"Feeding the Fire of Enmity"
"Stay Alive, My Son"
"The Letter"
"The Queen of Katwe"
"By Any Other Name"

What did the Khmer Rouge want the workers to do to solve the problem of the sparrows?

cut down the fruit trees (which they needed for food)


Where did Thay and Any leave Nawath when they ran away?

the hospital


What did Marjane's mother do when she found out where Mehri and Marjane had been?

She slapped them.


How did Coach Katende pay for the kids to enter the tournament?

He gambled on a soccer game and won it.


One of two things Santha wanted her mom to do for her so she could fit in

get a dress, make a sandwich lunch


What favor had Thay done for Comrade Run in the past?

He had gotten antibiotics for his wife when she was sick.


What was Thay's main reason for writing his book

to hopefully reconnect with his son


What did Mehri claim to be in her letters to Hossein, the neighbor?

Marjane's sister, a daughter in the family


"Never be quick to tip your __________."



why Premila left school

Her teacher said that all Indians cheat on tests.


What is the opposite of a protagonist?

an antagonist (someone who is against the hero)


Who spoke the first words about leaving Nawath behind?

Any, Thay's wife


What was one thing the pictures show that illustrate that Mehri was not the best babysitter?

She threw Marjane in the air, she played on the swings above Marjane, she ate her food, or she told her scary stories.


What caused Phiona and her family to become evicted?

They had spent their money when Benjamin had needed medical treatment. Phiona gave money to the motorcyclist to get him to the hospital.


What does Santha do that is considered "unsportsmanlike" from an English point of view?

She lets smaller kids catch her when playing tag.


What does Comrade Run say about Thay in order to keep him from being killed?

He was a good worker.


Why couldn't Thay and Any take Nawath with them?

They couldn't carry him, he was too weak to walk, or he might cry.


What was one of the jobs a child laborer was doing in Ashraf Darvishian's stories?

being a porter, weaving carpets, or cleaning windows


Why doesn't Phiona's mother accept 100,000 shillings for her dress?

She would have to go out to dinner with the merchant. She won't bargain with affection.


Explain the quotation from Romeo and Juliet about a rose.

Even if a rose is called something else, it still smells as sweet.


What does Comrade Run and the camp leader say that Thay will become if he is ever found with black-market rice again?



"If death is inevitable, the mother's supreme sacrifice is to _____________ her child, if thereby she can prolong her life."



Whom did the government blame the death of the demonstrators on?

Israeli soldiers


Explain how the story of the dog and the cat applied to the kids from Katwe at the tournament

The cat was running for his life, while the dog just wanted a meal. There was much more at stake for them than for the rich kids if they won the tournament.


What does Santha do when the car comes to pick her up after school that Premila doesn't like?

She runs to her "ayah" in a big emotional way