4 july 1804
When was he born ?
31 July 1965
When was she born ?
2 september 1973
When did he die ?
Duchess of Death
What was she nicknamed ?
How many siblings did he have ?
Massachusetts, in USA
Where was he born ?
Writer and teacher
What were her jobs?
In british english
In which language did he write his books ?
Rosalind Hicks
How was named her child ?
trinity college
Where did he study ?
How many children did he have?
Harry Potter
What is the most famous book she wrote ?
Why did he start writing ?
Murder on the Orient Express; The murder of Roger Acknoyd; Death on the nile
What did she write ?
How was named his mother ?
Who did he marry ?
Portugal and United Kingdom
Where did she move ?
novels, poetry and fantasy
What genres did he write ?
What was the situation of the family ?
When did he post the chain of destiny ?
Steward at Port and writer
where did he work ?
What did she study ?
John Ronald Reuel Tolkien
What was his real name ?
How many books piece of theatre and novels did she write ?
What was he like when he was a child?