Biomes and Climatic Variation
Life History and Populations
Species Interactions and Disease
Communities and Succession
Conservation Biology and Global Ecology

This plant growth form grows in a seasonal environment that is warm/dry and cool/wet.

What is sclerophyllous?


This type of population growth is density-dependent.

What is logistic growth?


This species has a disproportionately high impact on its ecosystem relative to its biomass.

What are keystone species?


A group of species that are commonly found together in a specified place and time.

What is an ecological community?


This occurs when parts of a habitat are destroyed, leaving behind smaller unconnected areas.

What is habitat fragmentation?

Environmental change that causes decreased rates of physiological processes, survival, growth, and/or reproduction.

What is stress?


This life history strategy is characterized by relative stability with little environmental fluctuations.

What is K-selection?


Lichens growing on trees benefit from the provided substrate without hurting or benefiting the tree is an example of this species interaction.

What is commensalism?


Species richness and evenness are used to calculate this metric.

What is species diversity?


The direct and indirect benefits that ecosystems provide to humans.

What are ecosystem services?

Plants that undergo this photosynthetic pathway only open their stomata at night.

What are CAM (Crassulacean Acid Metabolism) plants?


This term refers to species that undergo multiple reproductive events in their lifetime.

What is iteroparity?


When a species directly interferes with the ability of its competitor(s) to use a limiting resource.

What is interference competition?


This type of succession involves the colonization of habitats devoid of life

What is primary succession?


This process has led to the dissolution of many marine organisms' carbonate shells.

What is ocean acidification?


Organisms will undergo this short-term, reversible process to adjust to stress.

What is acclimatization?


The survivorship curve where mortality and survival rates remain consistent across all life stages of the organism.

What is type II survivorship curve?


The mathematical model of disease used in this class divides the host population into these three groups.

What are susceptible (S), infected (I), and recovered (R) individuals?


This occurs when the relationship between two species is mediated by a third (or more) species

What is an indirect interaction?


This component of reserve design involves installing an area around the reserve that's open to limited human activity.

What are buffer zones?


This phenomena causes inter-annual variation in climate.

What is El NiƱo-Southern Oscillation (and Pacific Decadal Oscillation)?


Plant species that are adapted to high disturbance, low stress environments.

What are ruderal plants?


Anti-viral drugs that reduce the duration of a viral infection most directly alter this variable under the SIR model for an infected population.

What is the death and recovery rate (m)?


In this model of succession, early species modify the environment in ways that benefit later species.

What is the facilitation model of succession?


This approach to conservation emphasizes maintaining ecosystem processes and protecting multiple species simultaneously.

What is the coarse-filter approach to conservation?