A squid uses this to tear apart food.
What is a beak?
Class of liver flukes
What is Trematoda?
The supergroup of this picture:
What is the supergroup Unikonta?
Another name for a ripened ovule
What is a seed?
The claws of a crawfish.
What are chelipeds?
An organism that has 2 separate shells, joined by a ligament called hinge, is in this class.
What is Bivalvia?
The Phylum of this picture:
What is the phylum Amoebozoa?
Structures that share similar function but have evolved on different paths
What are analogous structures?
The organ that allows a fish to float and swim well in water.
What is a swim bladder?
The class that usually has nictitating membranes on their eyes.
What is class amphibia?
Notable structures of the picture below:
What is Cilia?
Structures that share similar anatomical features and embryological development
What are homologous structures?
The thick protective layer around a nematode.
What is a cuticle?
3 examples of plants that belong to the class Magnoliopsida
What is (answers may vary)?
Acceptable answers: Dandelion, White Locoweed, Twinflower , Chinese Wisteria, Herb Robert, Silky Oak, Red Mangrove, Hops, Wiliwili, Upland Cotton, Strawberry Guava.
The genus of the picture below:
What is Plasmodium?
This part of a corn kernel does not turn black when stained with iodine
What is an embryo?
An opening/hole inside a crayfish that allows blood to flow to and from the heart.
What is an Ostia?
The planarian called Dugesia belongs to this class.
What is class Turbellaria?
The mode of nutrition AND mode of locomotion of the picture below:
What are heterotrophic and pseudopodia?
A lichen is composed of these 2 living organisms
What are Algae and Fungus?