Scientific Method
Atomic combinations & Bonds
Oxidation-Reduction Reactions
Elements and Atoms

The description of deductive reasoning 

What is it summarizes the information at hand and draw conclusions from that information; proceeds from
the general to the specific


The 3 things mentioned that energy is used to support

- Movement (either of cell itself or of materials into and out of the cell)

- Signaling responses (such as hormone production and perception, nerve impulses etc.)

- Other forms of cell work (symbiotic relationships with other organisms, defense against pathogens)


The description of a compound

What is it contains two or more elements in a fixed ratio & has characteristics different from those of its elements


The description of oxidation

What is the removal of electrons


The 4 elements that make about 96% of the mass of most living things

What is O,C,H,N


The description of inductive reasoning 

What is Drawing a generalization from several specific observations; proceeds from the specific to the

BONUS - it is impossible to prove the accuracy of the generalization


The way energy applies to Endocytosis and Exocytosis

What is they are both forms of active transport so they require energy to function 

- Endo = brings material into the cell

- Exo = releases material to outside the cell


The difference between chemical formula and structural formula 

- chemical formula: a shorthand formula showing the number of atoms of each element present in a molecule (ex. NaCl). Another name is molecular formula

- structural formula: shows the arrangement of atoms in a molecule (ex. water H─O─H)


The description of reduction

What is an electron is gained (charge is reduced)


The way atomic number is calculated

What is number of protons in the nucleus


The 5 characteristics of the Scientific Method

1. Testable

2. Can be repeated

3. Ongoing

4. Relies on communication (societal needs impact funding and interests)

5. Is a human endeavor


The terms for 

1. organisms that manufacture their own food from simple materials 

2. obtain energy by eating other organisms

3. obtain energy by breaking down the wast products, by products, and dead bodies of producers and consumers

What is 

1. Autotrophs (producers)

2. Heterotrophs (consumers)

3. Decomposers 


The description of a molecule

What is two or more atoms held together by covalent bonds & may be composed of one or more elements


The other name of these reactions

What is Redox Reactions


The way isotopes are formed

What is atoms that have the same number of protons but different numbers of neutrons


The difference between Hypothesis vs Theory 

- Hypothesis explains the existing the observations and makes predictions that can be tested (often more that one is made) 

- Theory: a well supported hypothesis that links together a large body of observations 


Carbohydrate(food) + Oxygen -> Carbon dioxide + Water + Energy

What is how producers use the food they produce through oxidative respiration


The description of a mole 

The amount of a substance that in grams has the same number as the atomic mass & One mole of a substance contains 6.022 x 10^23 particles of that substance (Avogadro’s number)


The role of oxygen in oxidation 

What is oxygen is the most common oxidizing agent but is not required


The answer that ranks the elements boron, chlorine, beryllium, and argon in order of decreasing number of valence electrons.

A. Cl → Ar → B → Be

B. Ar → Cl → B → Be

C. Cl → B → Be → Ar

D. Ar → Be → Cl → B

What is option B


The thing that can never be proven true only supported or disproved

What is a hypothesis


Carbon dioxide + Water + light energy -> Carbohydrate(food) + Oxygen

What is how producers usually produce food by the process of photosynthesis


The description of an electron orbital

What is he three-dimensional space where an electron is found 90% of the time & each electron shell (energy) consists of a specific number of orbital

- ex. 1s2, 2s2,2p2


Can oxidation occur without a reduction?

What is no, they are always paired together


The term for unstable isotopes and what do they undergo

What is radioisotopes and decay