In biology, the shape of an enzyme determines it´s ________.
What is function
The hierarchical organizational levels of multicellular organisms is...
What is cells--> tissues--> organs--> organ systems--> organisms
Before there were enormous amounts of prairie chickens until the steel plow came in 1837 destroying all of the prairie grass. Sanctuaries were established to preserve the chicken, but the numbers kept falling. Chickens from other states had to be brought in and bred with the prairie chicken to prevent extinction. The prairie chicken population suffered due to the lack of ____________.
What is genetic variation
There is a loss of beavers near a river habitat. Because of this, there is no dam built and no still water that many species require. Therefore the ecosystem is disrupted and many populations start to decline. The beaver is a __________ for this ecosystem.
What is a keystone species
A large forest fire burns down most of a forest leaving only the rock and small grass like plants on the ground. This is _________.
What is primary ecological succession
This model can be used to describe the way a substrate binds to an active site.
What is lock and key model
Only ________ have receptors to enable a response from a hormone.
What is target cells
Kudzu is a plant not native to it´s environment it was introduced to. The Kudzu has spread and caused damage to housing and crops nearby. The kudzu is an example of an ___________.
What is invasive species.
Relationship in which both organisms are harmed and there is a limited resource they both need.
What is competition
It is advantageous for people in parts of Africa to be ________ because they do not have sickle cell disease but are also more resistant to malaria.
What is heterozygote
As ________ increases, the speed of the reaction increases.
What is substrate concentration
More platelets are signaled to come to the site of a cut on your arm to stop bleeding. This is an example of a _______.
What is a positive feedback loop
There are 2,000 fish living in a pond. 1,000 fish are born each month and 200 die each month. The per capita growth rate of the fish over a month is ______. (to the nearest tenth)
What is .4 Work: 1,000-200/2,000 = .4
Clown fish live in the tentacles of the anemones which protects them from predators. Predators are poisoned by the nematocysts of the anemones. This relationship is known as ______.
What is commensalism
When blood sugar rises, receptors in the body sense a change . In turn, the control center (pancreas) secretes insulin into the blood effectively lowering blood sugar levels. This is an example of a ________.
What is negative feedback loop
Regulation of an enzyme by binding an effector molecule at a site other than the enzyme's active site, altering the shape.
What is allosteric regulation
An important part of the lungs are the tiny bunches of circular sacs on the bronchi called _______. They help ________ and _______ during the respiratory process.
What is alveoli, increase surface area for oxygen and increase CO2 diffusion.
Wolves are a predator of white tailed deer in North America. There is a drastic decrease in the while tailed deer population due to over hunting, this causes the wolf population to ______.
What is decrease
________ can kill large numbers of communities and decrease the population size in an ecosystem quickly, if there is little genetic variation.
What is pathogens
An organism that breaks down dead plants and animals and recycles energy back into earth.
What is decomposer
a substance (other than the substrate) that must be present for the activity of an enzyme
What is a cofactor
Nervous and muscular systems interact by.....
What is... the impulse (signal) in an axon is released at the synapse and acts as a ligand to get a response from the muscle
The male peacock has very colorful, flamboyant feathers while the female does not. Because of competition for mates the male peacocks flaunt their feathers with various mating rituals while the female picks the best male for mate with. This choice made by the female is known as __________.
What is sexual selection
In order for an ecosystem to be resilient during a time of major changes in the environment, there must be a lot of _________ and _________ within it's species.
What is biodiversity and variation
Organism with the greatest impact of communities on the earth.
What is humans