Name 3 PPE
1. gloves
2. goggles
3. lab coats
Why do we use sterile pestles?
To avoid DNA contamination
What is the master mix?
a master mix is a mix that has all the components of the common PCR ingredients needed for the reaction.
Where does the figure caption go in a formal lab report?
Below the figure, not above.
What were three methods of testing the mystery cylinder?
1. Shaking
2. Rolling
3. Weighing
Why is it important to keep the lid on in the centrifuge?
To avoid aerosols and prevent noise.
Why is it important to use sterile water?
To have no contaminating DNA
Which pole does DNA move towards and why?
DNA moves towards the positive pole because DNA is negatively charged.
What is in the abstract?
An abstract is a brief summary of what this report is all about.
What is academic integrity?
It is the student's obligation to inform himself or herself of the applicable standards for academic honesty. Students must be aware that standards at the University of British Columbia may be different from those in secondary schools or at other institutions.
What is post-rinsing?
When we pipette small amounts of liquid, we depress the plunger multiple times to rinse out the pipette tip.
What are the 3 steps of PCR? (Thermal Cycling Steps)
*BONUS* Tell me what happens in each step
1. Denaturation (Unzips DNA)
2. Annealing (Attaches primers)
3. Extension (Makes copies of template strand)
What information does the ladder provide?
What is in the results section?
1. Include graphs/figures
2. No raw data is provided outside of supplemental (not required)
3. Clearly outlines the findings from the study
4. Flow is sensible with figures present immediately following paragraphs describing the results of the figure
What is patch-writing?
Patch-writing is a form of plagiarism. It is copying someone else's passage and changing a few words to make it look like your own.
What does isopropanol do to DNA?
It precipitates the DNA.
What is the function of the primers?
Allow the DNA polymerase to bind and extend the template. Also, it flanks the region to be copied.
What does the SYBR dye do in gel electrophoresis?
It allows the DNA fragments to be visualized.
Where does the hypothesis go in a formal report?
At the end of the introduction section.
Why is it important that experiments are replicable?
To allow studies to be repeated and the results can be compared and cross-examined.
The pellet contains heavy components such as proteins. The supernatant contains the DNA and RNA fragments from the cells.
What are the 5 major ingredients in a PCR reaction?
1. DNA Template
2. Forward PCR Primers
3. Reverse PCR Primers
4. DNA Polymerase
5. dNTPs
Which DNA fragments would move the furthest away from the well?
The smallest DNA fragments.
What is missing from this citation?
Mori, Jason. The Daily Life of a Sumo Wrestler. The Interesting Times, 4 Oct. 2015,
Missing the quotation marks around the title.
Mori, Jason." The Daily Life of a Sumo Wrestler." The Interesting Times, 4 Oct. 2015,