
This role is an organism that can make its own food, typically through photosynthesis.

What is a producer?


Animals do this to find food and water. For example, European swallows migrate to Africa or Asia in the winter to find warmer climates and more plentiful food.

Why do some animals migrate?


The process by which fertile land gradually turns into arid desert

What is Desertification?


Once animals hit this limit this they start to decline due to limiting factors

What is carrying capacity?


The ___ rule indicates that only about ___ of energy is transferred from one trophic level to the next, limiting the number of trophic levels in a food chain.

What is the significance of the 10% rule in energy transfer?


This a common and beneficial behavior in nature that can occur between members of the same or different species

What is cooperation in animal groups?


Plants doing photosynthesis and creating glucose is example of this factor. 

What is a ABIOTIC factor?

This variable goes on the Y axis
What is dependent variable?

The extinction can disrupt the balance of the food web, leading to population declines or increases in other species.

What happens to a food web if a key species goes extinct?


This relationships are important links in food webs, moving energy and nutrients through an ecosystem. An example would be: A rabbit eating lettuce.

What are predator-prey relationships?


This action aims to help species and habitats that are most in need, as many species have become rare or extinct due to climate change, pollution, and habitat loss

What is the ONE of primary goal of conservation efforts?


You get this number when you add up all the values in a data set and dividing by the number of values in that set

How to calculate the average of data?


Different biomes support different food webs based on the available organisms and their interactions.

What is the relationship between biomes and food webs?


Once animals settle on a new habitat, they reach _______ till they hit this limit this they start to decline due to limiting factors.

What is exponential growth and carrying capacity?


These animals defined as strongly interacting species that have a large impact on their ecosystems relative to their abundance. One example if this species were removed, they would be considered a limiting factor on another population. 

What is Keystone Species?