#5 Predator, eats anything that fits in mouth, comes in small or big sizes, green in color, most popular sports fish ever,
What is a bass?
a common small fish, about the size of your palm, mostly green but has some blue, acts as a source of food or energy for predators gets their energy from plants/small insects like blood worms.
the answer is blue gill a small food source
this producer is found near river banks of the Mississippi they float on top of the river and small fish use them for homes/ shade and food it is lime green in color
the answer is duck weed
what caused by global warming causes the river to dry up and have a _________.
droughts the rivers are drying due to human caused global warming.
what is the main source of energy in all ecosystems
the sun
#4 Predator, big eyes, lives at the bottom of rivers, big teeth, eats small fish, rhymes with big guy
What is a walleye?
related to the sunfish and bluegill eats small worms and bugs in the water like water boatman and blood worms it has a green color with blue striping on its face.
the answer is the green sunfish
this is a green slimy plant that grows on the bottom of shallow parts of the river that offers food for fish
the answer is algae
what are the main ways we affect the river through contaminants.
chemicals, fertiliser, oil, and sewage.
how do plants transfer sun energy into chemical energy and food for itself
#3 Predator, Rounded Fins, Rounded Tail Tips, usually lengthy, preys on small fish, eats own species, rhymes with spike
What is a Northern Pike?
the prey of larger fish like Pike, bass and catfish. Is yellow bellied with a green top with red fins
is an underwater plant that forms dense meadows in shallow areas of rivers and lakes. It provides shelter and food for a variety of fish species. The plant's long, ribbon-like leaves are edible and are often eaten by herbivorous fish like minnows or certain species of carp.
what plant species growth is rapidly spread up through fertilisers and when this happens it turns blue.
the answer is algae.
what is the cell that the plant creates that holds nutrients
#2 Predator, flathead, lives at the bottom, eats small-medium fish.
What is a flathead catfish?
the next fish is a very small bottom of the food chain fish all fish eat it and they only eat small worms and bugs used as bait
the answer is flat head minnow
is a submerged plant with feathery, finely divided leaves. It often grows in shallow areas and forms dense mats that can trap nutrients and small aquatic creatures, attracting fish. Some species, like northern pike, may use these plants for spawning, while other fish species feed on small invertebrates and detritus found on the plants.
the answer is Watermilfoil
when humans fertilizers go into the water the algae turns green and sludgy it takes in all the ______ in the water and leaves nothing left for all the fish to live
when humans fertilizers go into the water the algae turns green and sludgy it takes in all the OXYGEN in the water and leaves nothing left for all the fish to live
true or false glucose is a cell that plants hold that is used as nutrients for all animals
#1 Predator, pointed tail tips, pointed fins, in close relationship with the Northern Pike
What is a Muskellunge?
the final prey creature is a insect not a fish these insects fly and during the summer they hatch in the millions and can only live for 2 days they fly around mate then die when they die the fish feast on them
the answer is fish fly or mayfly
While more common in slow-moving or stagnant waters, this plant can be found in some backwater areas. It provides cover for small fish and a habitat for algae and invertebrates that fish feed on.
the answer is water lettuce
When humans settled in the Mississippi Basin, they increasingly altered the land's surface by converting it into range and ______ destroying the river.
When humans settled in the Mississippi Basin, they increasingly altered the land's surface by converting it into range and FARMLAND destroying the river.
after millions of years plants ______ and these ______ still hold nutrients that comes up to fertilize the soil naturally
after millions of years plants FOSSILIZE and these FOSSILS still hold nutrients that comes up to fertilize the soil naturally