scientific method
cell transport
cell structure
famous scientists
gene mutations

an explanation of an aspect of the natural world that can be tested or verified in accordance with the scientific method.

what is scientific theory?


the process of particles (solutes) moving through a solution or gas from an area of higher numbers of particles to lower numbers.

what is a concentration gradient?


system of tubes connected to nucleus. builds and ships lipids.

what is the smooth endoplasmic reticulum?


scientist that discovered the base-pair rule.

who is Chargaff?


a mutation in which one nucleotide is substituted and the amino acid is not changed.

what is a silent mutation?


statements that describe or predict a range of natural phenomena

what is scientific law?


a form of active transport that uses ATP to transport sodium out of the cell and potassium into the cell, across a cell membrane.

what is a sodium-potassium pump?


small enclosed structures made of lipid bilayer, transports materials from endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi apparatus to outside of cell.

what are vesicles?


scientist which tested tubes of DNA, RNA, and protein and discovered that DNA is the genetic material of the cell.

who is avery?


type of mutation in which the reading frame is unchanged.

what is a substitution?


steps in reasoning, moving from premises to logical consequences

what are inferences?


moving cells outside. form of active transport.

what is exocytosis?


processes, packages, and reloads proteins to other parts of cell or organism.

what is the Golgi apparatus?


scientist who used x-rays to photograph DNA and discovered the double helix.

who is Rosalind Franklin?


a mutation in which one nucleotide is substituted and an amino acid is changed to a STOP codon, causing a premature end to translation.

what is a nonsense mutation?


numerical or statistical data vs. descriptive data.

what is quantitative evidence vs. qualitative evidence?


moving cells inside. form of active transport.

what is endocytosis?


pores in cells that make up underside of leaf, allowing movement of gases in and out of plant cells.

what is stoma or stomata?


scientists who conducted the blender experiment and discovered that DNA is the transferring factor.

who is Hershey and chase?


a type of mutation in which a nucleotide is added or removed and the reading frame changes.

what is a frameshift mutation?


the variable that is changed vs. the variable that is tested and changes as a result of the change to the first variable.

what is independent vs. dependent variables?

having a higher concentration of solute than another solution.

what is hypertonic?


visible only when cell is preparing to divide. organizes DNA during cell division. found only in animal cells.

what are centrioles or centrosome?


scientists who researched with the ball and stick model and reasoned DNA had 3 helixes.

who is James Watson and Francis Crick?


a mutation in which one nucleotide is substituted and one amino acid is changed to another amino acid, which usually changes protein function.

what is a missense mutation?