Famous Discoveries in Microbiology I
Famous Discoveries in Microbiology II
General Microbiology
Bacteria Physiology and Structure
This theory, popular in the middle ages, proposed that life could arise from “vital forces” present in nonliving or decomposing matter.
What is the Spontaneous Generation Theory?
In the 1850's, this German physician studied cells that surround muscle tissue, coined the term "metabolism" and was the first to consider eggs as embryos.
Who is Theodor Schwann?
This differential staining method makes use of the fact that some bacteria retain the dye crystal violet in their cell wall and some do not.
What is the Gram stain?
These tiny cell-surface structures move synchronously to propel a microbe or expel tiny particles from lung tissue and are not found on prokaryotic cells
What are cilia?
This category of organisms uses carbon dioxide as a carbon source and hydrogen as an energy source
What is a chemolithoautotroph
In 1665, this man is credited with one of the most important discoveries in biology when he looked at cork through a microscope and saw 'cells.'
Who is Robert Hooke?
This German physician, working in collaboration with Schwann, showed that some mircoorganisms are unicellular while some are multicellular.
Who is Matthias Schleiden?
Most Gram-positive bacteria are this shape, while most Gram-negative bacteria are this shape.
What are cocci and bacilli (rods)?
The sterol is found associated only with the eukaryotic cell membrane.
What is cholesterol?
This type of bacteria can survive in extremely cold temperatures.
What is a psychrophile
In 1668, this man placed meat in a jar and covered it with gauze to test his hypothesis.
Who is Francesco Redi?
After looking as the cells of his leukemia patients through a microscope, this German physician realized that Schwann's theories were correct, and that cells do originate from existing cells.
Who is Rudolf Virchow?
With the advent of DNA technology, the hardworking bacterial geneticist, Carl Woese, used sequence comparisons of the 16s ribosomal subunit to discover this separate domain of prokaryotes.
What is Archaea?
These type of bacteria are an important indicator of potentially harmful bacteria in drinking water
What are coliform bacteria?
In this type of medium only salt-tolerant bacteria grow and bacteria capable of mannitol fermentation form a yellow-ring around the colony.
What is selective and differential medium.
Using a tiny microscope, this man is credited with being the first to see living organisms in pond water.
In 1864, extending the results of his earlier experiments, this brilliant experimentalist developed this process that uses rapid heating and cooling to kill microbes, but does not destroy food or beverages.
Who is Louis Pasteur and what is pasteurization?
In the binomial nomenclature ?proposed by Carl Linnaeus, all bacteria are referred to by using what two taxonomic categories?
What are the genus and species?
Now a eukaryotic organelle, this structure was once a free-living Gram-negative bacteria
What is the mitochondria?
In this phase of growth, bacteria are most susceptible to the affects of antibiotics.
What is log phase
Motivated by his love of wine, this famous Frenchman conducted a series of experiments using a swan-neck flack to prove that microbes were present in dust from the air and established the 'germ theory of disease.'
Who is Louis Pasteur?
Often considered the 'founder of modern bacteriology', this famous German scientist developed a series of postulates that are still used today to determine the infectious agent of a specific disease.
Who is Robert Koch?
This DNA-based technology is now commonly used by clinical microbiologists to determine the molecular differences between different strains of pathogenic bacteria and determine drug susceptibility or resistance.
What is restriction fragment length polymorphisms or RFLP?
These two enzymes help bacteria withstand the effects of oxygen free-radicals
What are catalase and superoxide dismutase?
This cellular process utilizes the energy of the proton motive force to synthesize ATP?
What is oxidative phosphorylation