Scientific Investigations & Data Collection
Chemistry of Life
Biological Macromolecules

An observation is objective and based on witnessing something with your sense.  An inference is...

an assumption or guess as to why what you observed has happened.


If a runner drinks Gatorade then they will run faster.

Identify the IV and DV.

IV: the type of drink

DV: The speed of the runner


What is the smallest part of an element that still has the properties of that element?

An atom

List which macromolecule is not obtained from our food and where we do get it from.

Nucleic acids are NOT obtained from our food but are instead inherited from our biological parents


Which of the measurements below is the most precise?

A. Graduated cylinder - 80.6 mL        

B. Beaker – 48 mL

C. Erlenmeyer flask – 325 mL            

D. Beaker – 400 mL

A. Graduated cylinder (This is the most precise glassware of the choices)


In a hypothesis the __________________ variable is what is being tested, while the _________________ variable is the one being measured in response.

In a hypothesis the Independent variable is what is being tested, while the Dependent variable is the one being measured in response.


Life can exist under frozen surfaces in polar seas because…

Life can exist under frozen surfaces in polar seas because… water is less dense as a solid


List the monomers for each of the macromolecules.

Carbs: monosaccharides

Proteins: Amino acids

Lipids: Fatty acids

Nucleic acids: nucleotides


Differentiate between qualitative data and quantitative data.

Qualitative: Describes quality of something (tall, short, warm, cold, shiny, dull, etc)

Quantitative: Measures with numbers (12in long, 8ft tall, 460m wide, etc.)


If teenagers start school later then they will get better grades.

Identify the IV and DV.

IV: Time school starts

DV: Students' grades


What are the elements needed for life to exist?


(Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen, Nitrogen, Phosphorous, and Sulfur)


Provide an example of each type of macromolecule.

Carbs: Sugars (like glucose) and starches

Lipids: Fats, oils, phospholipids, steroids

Proteins: Hemoglobin, insulin, collagen (lots of options for this one!)

Nucleic Acids: DNA and RNA


Look at the image and provide 2 qualitative observations and 2 quantitative observations.

Qualitative: The flowers are pink and purple, the clouds are fluffy, flowers are planted in rows, etc.

Quantitative: There is one windmill, the windmill has 4 blades, the flowers come in 3 colors, etc.


Write a hypothesis for an experiment that is testing the effect of using pesticides on the amount of fruit a crop yields.

If pesticides are used on crops then the fruit produced by the crop will be lower.

(There are several possible answers, your should be close to the one above!)


Differentiate between polar and nonpolar molecules

Polar = unequal distribution of charges; polar molecules typically dissolve in water because water is also polar

Nonpolar = no separation of charge


Explain what makes proteins the most diverse macromolecule. 

They are the most diverse in function because they are the most diverse in shape 🡪 form dictates function. 

There are 4 levels to their structures giving them great variety.


List the general steps in designing and conducting an experiment.

1. Ask a question

2. Conduct Background Research

3. Construct a Hypothesis

4. Test Your Hypothesis Through Experimentation

5. Analyze Data

6. Draw Conclusions


Connor and Miguel want to investigate if the type of fertilizer changes the color of their hydrangea flowers.  They select 10 hydrangea bushes and plant them in the same yard with the same type of soil.  Every bush gets 3 cups of fertilizer, but each receives a different brand.  One bush gets no fertilizer.  All bushes receive morning sunlight and no afternoon sunlight.  All bushes are watered the same amount every other morning.  After four weeks, the boys observe the color of the blooms on each bush.

Identify the IV, DV, and constants for this scenario.

IV: Type of fertilizer

DV: Color of the flowers

Constants: Type of flower, amount of water, amount of sunshine, location of plant, amount of fertilizer, etc.


How are the following terms related? Give an example.

Solvent, Solute, & Solution

Solvent: Dissolves a substance (water)

Solute: What is being dissolved (lemonade powder)

Solution: Result (lemonade)


List and explain the main function of each macromolecule.

Carbs: Energy storage molecule (short term)

Lipids: Energy storage molecule (long term)

Proteins: Run your body and pretty much do everything else

Nucleic Acids: Informational molecule; the instructions for making proteins