Natural Processes
Anatomical Research
Cytology and viruses
DNA Processes

This organism is a eukaryotic, unicellular organism that can be both/either autotrophic or heterotrophic.

Kingdom protista


A mother was cooking in the kitchen and burned herself on the stove. She quickly reacted by jumping back and screaming. Soon a first degree burn mark appeared but healed overtime due to rapid growth of somatic cells. Which two body systems work together to make this work?

Nervous and Immune


What is the best way to differentiate between a bacterial cell and plant cell?

Plants have chloroplast as a site of photosynthesis while bacterial cells do not.


What comes in formation when uncontrolled cell division becomes cancerous?

Malignant tumors


An enzyme is damaged due to pasteurization. What is most likely to occur after this process?

The enzyme can no longer be used for other catalytic chemical reactions.


These two classification systems are more closely related to help identify evolutionary relationships between organisms.

Genus, Species


The duodenum is the beginning of the small intestine and helps break down food for nutrients. When it’s done, it will enter the large intestine which absorbs nutrients for the body to store. The body then sends signals to rid the waste. Which two body systems work together to make this happen?

Nervous and Digestive


Which viral structure is necessary for the attachment of a virus to a host cell? Why do viruses attach to host cells?

Projections, to replicate DNA


What part of a DNA strand determines the traits of an organism? What cuts the middle of a DNA strand?

Nitrogenous base , DNA Helicase


What type of biomolecule is butter and vegetable-based shortening best identified as?



A lion is hunting for a zebra by hiding in the bushes. A leopard is also trying to approach the same resource by using the same technique and is noticed by the lion. What best shows the symbiotic relationship?



In the process of thigmotropism, plants react by...

Wrapping themselves around a nearby object


The facilitated process of osmosis uses passive transport. This means it moves from an area of __ to __ concentration.

High to low


Both genes from a white cow and red cow are physically expressed in the phenotype of the offspring. What is this an example of?

Genetic codominance


What is created after a plant has undergone the process of photosynthesis?

Glucose and oxygen


Plants take in CO2 in order to perform photosynthesis and release O2 through the…

Carbon cycle


The vascular tissue of a plant is made of 2 components. What are they and how do they function?

Xylem-transports water

 Phloem-transports glucose


A student did an investigation by placing a grape in water and left it overnight. They came back the next morning and noticed the grape looked thicker than it did the day before. Which best explains the grapes' change in size?

The grape absorbed water through osmosis as a hypotonic solution.


rr is an example of a h____s ___ genotype

Homozygous, recessive 


Is the statement, "An animal cell can do cellular respiration while a plant cell can do both." true or false?



An organism may come out at night due to its nocturnal nature while another may come out during the day, making it diurnal. What may be the result of this situation? What kind of isolation is this?

The mating of the two organisms will be less likely due to their different times of activity-Temporal isolation


The wings in bats may look physically similar to the fins of fish but have different functions. This is an example of a ___ structure.



During what part of the cell cycle does DNA replication occur?

S phase


What is the only way to transcribe the genetic sequence,“TTAAGTACGG”?



The protein Methionine is determined by...

The translation of the amino acid