cells and macros

The breakdown of __________ to produce _______ is called Cellular Respiration

carbohydrates (glucose), ATP (energy)

What are 2 reasons viruses are considered non-living particles?

they are not cells, and they can not reproduce without a host


___________________ are mathematical models used to predict patterns of inheritance.

punnett squares


A group of organisms of one species that lives in the same place at the same time is a ___________.



How could a scientists use protein sequences to determine the potential relatedness of 2 organisms?

The more protein sequences they have in common, the closer related they could be.


What are two types of cell boundaries and what are their functions?

Cell membrane-controls what enters and leaves, maintains homeostasis

Cell Wall-protects the cell and gives it shape


What would be the main differences between organisms in the domain Archaea and the domain Bacteria?

Archaea are mainly found in extreme environments while Bacteria are very common and can be found anywhere


What is bioethics? How would a scientist decide if something is ethical?

Determining if scientists are doing the moral or right thing. The purpose should serve the greater good


How does energy enter an ecosystem?

By producers capturing sunlight and performing photosynthesis.


When genes that improve an organism's ability to survive in a particular environment are passed on to its offspring

Natural selection


What is the ratio of Carbon:Hydrogen:Oxygen in a typical simple sugar molecule?


(example- C6 H12 O6)


What are 2 disadvantages of sexual reproduction?

What are 2 disadvantages of asexual reproduction?

takes a lot of time, fewer offspring

inability to adapt to changes in environment, produces identical copies


Explain how mitosis maintains genetic continuity

Mitosis creates cells that are identical to the parent cell


What models do scientists use to represent the flow of energy within an ecosystem?

Food Webs/ Food Chains


What is speciation?

The evolution of a new species because of environmental changes and adaptations.


what are the 5 major sub-processes involved in photosynthesis and cellular respiration?

glycolysis, Krebs Cycle, Electron Transport Chain, Light Dependent Reactions, and Calvin Cycle


What are 2 advantages of sexual reproduction?

What are 2 advantages of asexual reproduction?

Genetic variability, adapt to environmental changes

benefits isolated or simple organisms, fast and efficient


 Sources of genetic variation include ____________ during meiosis, _________ during DNA replication, or __________ caused by environmental factors.

crossing over, mutations, adaptations


What does an energy pyramid tell scientists about the amount of energy in an ecosystem?

That the most energy is in the producer level and energy decreases as you move up the pyramid.


What are 2 ways that scientists can determine the age of fossils?

Relative dating (rock layers) 

Radioisotope dating (Carbon-14)


The components of a DNA nucleotide are ______________ sugar, ____________ group, and a ____________ base, such as __________, _________, ___________, or __________.

deoxyribose, phosphate, nitrogen, adenine, thymine, cytosine, guanine


Describe the ATP-ADP cycle

ATP contains 3 phosphate groups. When one breaks off, energy is released and the new molecule is called ADP. When another phosphate group is added, energy is stored in the bonds to create ATP.


Describe the processes of DNA replication, transcription, and translation.

DNA replication- DNA unzipped by helicase and replicated using the base pairing rule. 

Transcription- DNA to mRNA using base pairing, then RNA leaves the nucleus to the rRNA

Translation- rRNA calls tRNA to bring the correct amino acids to build polypeptide chains and proteins


How is carbon cycled through the atmosphere, organisms, the earth,and back to the atmosphere?

Plants use CO2 for photosynthesis to make glucose. Animals eat plants to obtain glucose and then also exhale CO2. When organisms die and decompose, CO2 is added to the earth. CO2 is also a waste product of decomposition, and re-enters the atmosphere. 


What are some adaptations that some pine trees have developed in order to survive in drought conditions?

deep roots to find water, needles to reduce water loss during photosynthesis, thick bark