Cell Structure & Function
Mechanisms of Genetics
Evolution & Classification
Processes and Systems
Interdependence within Environmental Systems
Organic Compounds

This type of cell contain plasmids.

What are prokaryotic cells?


This describes the type of cell division in which parent cells produce daughter cells with the same number of chromosomes as the parent cells

What is mitosis?


This kingdom contains organism that are autotrophic and multicellular.

What are plants?


This process would not take place in a cell if ribosomes were not present.

What is protein synthesis?


This relationship would describe the following scenario: The crab Lybia tessellata carries a pair of sea anemones on its claws. The crab uses the sea anemone’s stinging tentacles as protection and the sea anemone obtains small food particles released by the crab as it feeds. 

What is mutualism?


This organic compound is composed of three fatty acids and one glycerol molecule.

What are lipids?


This organelle is responsible for maintaining homeostasis for a cell.

What is the plasma membrane?


This process occurs in the nucleus and produces a molecule of mRNA.

What is transcription?


This process is most likely to explain why horses that lived 50 million years ago were much smaller, weaker, and slower than modern horses. 

What is Natural Selection?


This process is done specifically in the mitochondria.

What is aerobic cellular respiration?


This process describes how nitrogen becomes available and usable for plant growth.


What is nitrogen fixation?


Lactase is an example of this organic compound.

What is a protein?


Cells that require additional oxygen when oxygen is in higher concentration on the inside would undergo this process.

What is active transport?


Hitchhiker’s thumb (H) is dominant to no hitchhiker’s thumb (h). This would be the probability of a child having a Hitchhiker's thumb if a woman who does not have hitchhiker’s thumb marries a man who is heterozygous for hitchhiker’s thumb. 

What is 50%?


Structures in organisms that have lost their function over time can be termed as this.

What are vestigial structures?


In humans, glucose levels are kept in balance in the bloodstream by insulin describes this concept.

What is homeostasis?


This type of population growth is seen during a population's early stages.

What is exponential growth?


Proteins are built around this number of amino acids.

What is 20?


These three organelles separate plant cells from animal cells.

What are chloroplasts, cell wall, and a large vacuole?


This type of inheritance pattern describes how blood type is passed down.

What is multiple allele inheritance?


Under times of stress and environmental changes, this would increase the likelihood of survival in a population.

What is genetic variation?


Genetic variation in organisms is a result of this.

What is sexual reproduction?


This outcome in the atmosphere would result if more trees were planted.

What is an increase in oxygen levels/decrease in carbon dioxide levels?


Carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen are found in these organic compounds.

What are carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids?


Gene expression in cells is often dictated by these molecules that are produced in the pituitary gland.

What are hormones?


These two events in meiosis lead to the genetic variation seen among the resulting gametes.

What is independent assortment and crossing over?


This process describes how speciation can occur when two populations develop different breeding behaviors.

What is reproductive/behavioral isolation?


Enzymes are able to function as catalyst because of their ability to do this.

What is decrease the amount of activation energy?


An increase in these two factors can lead to a population increasing in size.

What is birth rates and immigration?


Amino acids are held together in a protein by this bond.

What is a peptide?