Cell Structure & Function
Mechanisms of Genetics
Evolution & Classification
Processes and Systems
Interdependence within Environmental Systems

The amount of energy at each trophic level decreases as it moves through an ecosystem. As little as 10 percent of the energy at any trophic level is transferred to the next level. What happens to the other 90%?

What is lost as heat?

Which is a biotic factor that affects the size of a population in a specific ecosystem?

a.average temperature of the ecosystem

b.type of soil in the ecosystem

c.number and kinds of predators in the ecosystem

d.Concentration (amount) of oxygen in the ecosystem

What is C?

1. Different finch species have beaks of different shapes and sizes. What do these beak differences tell us?

  1. Differences in beak shapes tell us that all the finches eat the same type of food.
  2. Different finch beak shapes are evidence that all Galápagos finches shared a common ancestor a long time ago.
  3. Different finch beak shapes are evidence that over time, finch species adapted to different food sources on the islands.
  4. Different finch beak shapes are evidence that several finch species with different beak shapes came to the Galápagos Islands from the mainland.

What is C 


What is this process called?

What is Protein Synthesis


In the following picture, where is the most Biomass found?

What is the hawk


Placing wilted lettuce in cold water will make it crisp again. Which statement best describes what happens to restore the lettuce to its original condition? 

A. Water left the lettuce cells by diffusion. 

B. Water entered the cells of the lettuce by osmosis.

C. Osmosis caused salts to enter the lettuce cells. 

D. Salts in the leaf caused water to leave the cells.

What is B-Water entered the cells of the lettuce by osmosis.


Scientist studied the presence of a disease in two different plant populations. One population reproduces sexually while the other reproduces asexually. 

Why is there a larger number of infected plants in the asexually reproducing population compared to the sexually reproducing plant population? 

a. offspring of sexually reproducing plants are identical to parent population

b. offspring of asexually reproducing plants are identical to the parent population

c. offspring of sexually reproducing plants have greater variation

d. c. offspring of asexually reproducing plants have greater variation

What is B


  1. The evolution of the peppered moth is an evolutionary instance of directional color change in the moth population as a consequence of air pollution during the Industrial Revolution.

 The frequency of dark-colored moths increased at that time, an example of industrial melanism.

Later, when pollution was reduced, the light-colored form again predominated. Industrial melanism in the peppered moth was an early test of Charles Darwin's natural selection in action, and remains as a classic example in the teaching of evolution.  

      The studies of changes between black and light color in populations of the peppered moth show that 

        a.    natural selection can quickly change allele frequencies and common phenotypes in a population

        b.    species can always adapt to environmental changes

        c.    predators prefer light colored moths because they taste better

        d.    dark colored moths are physiologically superior to light colored moths

        e.    natural selection produces irreversible changes

What is A


There are 4 plants grown under different conditions. Which of the following plants will grow the best?

 A. Plant grown in a closed container in the sunlight

 B. Plant in open container in a dark room but still receives water

 C. Plant outside with natural rain 

 D. Plant grown under green light

What is C

(Factors that affect plant growth are light intensity, temperature, carbon dioxide concentration)


What does the dotted line on the graph represent?

What is carrying capacity


Protein Synthesis- Using DNA instructions to make Protein 

1. Make complementary strand of RNA from DNA

What is AUC , UGA


There has been multiple occurrences of marine organisms dying as a result of the ocean being littered with plastic. A group of college students decide to make a machine that can be placed in the ocean and collect garbage. 

2 disadvantages (limitations) of the usage of this machine

Disadvantages: Harm to marine life, cost effectiveness, more plastic on land, temporary fix because people are still littering


What does the following picture provide evidence of?

What is evolution


What TWO body systems are used in the following picture?

Muscular and Skeletal


There are 2 different species of spiders that both have different colors. One spider is brown and the other is a bright green. One can assume

A. Both spiders live in the same niche

B. the colors are adaptations fit to their environment

C. The different colors are used for mating

D.  The green spider will eventually become extinct due to its bright color

What is B


A sugar, a phosphate group, and a nitrogen base form a nucleotide which is the building block (monomer) of which organic compound?

What is Nucleic Acid


CCC is the nucleotide sequence for Proline...

If a mutation occured and made the sequence CCU what would be the result?

What is there would be no change. Multiple nucleotide sequences code for the same protein


The following picture is one source of evidence for evolution. What is does this picture represent?

What is homologous structures


The model represents (Fertilization/mitosis) because two (haploid/diploid) cells combine to form a (haploid/diploid) zygote

What is Fertilization, haploid, diploid


Which will most likely happen if we continue to destroy our planets forest?

 A. The amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere will increase. 

 B. The amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere will decrease. 

 C. The amount of carbon dioxide used by producers will increase. 

 D. The amount of carbon dioxide needed by consumers will decrease.

What is A The amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere will increase. 


Protein Synthesis- Using DNA instructions to make Protein 

1. The complementary RNA strand is AUC and UGA

2. Read 3 bases at a time (codon) to determine the amino acid.

Isoleucine and STOP

A heterozygous brown rabbit and a homozygous recessive black rabbit reproduce.

What percentage of offspring will be black?



Which of the following provides evidence that genetic variation is natural?

A. Crossing Over

B. Asexual reproduction

C. genetically modified organisms

D. Sexual reproduction

What is A- crossing over

Crossing over accounts for genetic variation, because due to the swapping of genetic material during crossing over, the chromatids held together by the centromere are no longer identical.


Photosynthesis turns light energy into _____ energy. 

What is chemical energy


Carbon in our atmosphere has caused a change in our climate. Which of the following is the BEST solution to removing carbon from the atmosphere?

A. Plant more trees

B. Carpool

C. Push for more electric cars

D. Deforestation

What is A. The process of photosynthesis uses carbon dioxide.