
Which of the following organelles could be found in the animal cell, but not likely in a plant cell. 

A. Ribosomes

B. Lysosomes 

C. Mitochondria

D. Golgi Bodies

What is C, lysosomes? 


A scientist observes two butterflies with similar wing patterns. Which of the following observations would best show that the two butterflies belong to the same species? 

A. The butterflies share a habitat. 

B. The butterflies pollinate the same flowers. 

C. The butterflies mate with each other and produce fertile offspring. 

D. The butterflies make a chrysalis and not a cocoon for metamorphosis. 

What is C, The butterflies mate with each other and produce fertile offspring. 


What is one distinct disadvantage of sexual reproduction? 

A. Organisms that sexually reproduce do not produce much genetic variety. 

B. Sexual reproduction, unlike asexual reproduction, can rapidly produce too many new offspring. 

C. Sexual reproduction requires two individuals, which may be difficult for endangered or uncommon species of organisms. 

D. Sexual reproduction produces offspring that are all equally vulnerable to the same diseases, predators, and other environmental pressures. 

What is C, sexual reproduction requires two individuals, which may be difficult for endangered or uncommon species of organisms. 


Which of the following conditions will most likely keep the population at its carrying capacity? 

A. Death rate of zero

B. Death rate that is half the birth rate

C. Death rate equal to the birth rate

D. Death rate this is twice the birth rate 

What is C, a death rate equal to the birth rate.


Beginning with one parent cell, how many daughter cells are typically produced from one mitotic division?

A. 1

B. 2  

C. 4

D. 8

What is B, 2?


Once an egg is fertilized, it is referred to as a diploid zygote. Under normal conditions, which of the following processes causes the zygote to form? 

A. Mitosis takes place

B. Meiosis takes place

C. Two gametes combine

D. Asexual reproduction occurs 

What is C, two gametes combine? 


The concept of gene flow is demonstrated when a cow is driven off from its heard, joins another herd, and reproduces. When the cow contributes to the gene pool of the new herd, which of these most likely increases? 

A. Genetic Variation 

B. Natural Selection 

C. Environmental Fitness

D. Reproductive Mutations

What is A, genetic variation? 


During the process of replication, a molecule of DNA unzips, forming two single strands. What makes up each individual strand of DNA? 

A. Paired adenine and uracil bases

B. Paired thymine and guanine bases

C. Sugar groups attached to individual amino acids

D. Nitrogenous bases attached to a sugar-phosphate backbone.

What is D, nitrogenous bases attached to a sugar-phosphate backbone. 


Which of the following statements describes an advantage of sexual reproduction in organisms within an ecosystem? 

A. Sexual reproduction can produce offspring faster than asexual reproduction. 

B. Sexual reproduction can produce offspring from only one parent. 

C. Sexual reproduction creates genetic diversity within an ecosystem. 

D. Sexual reproduction creates a better chance of survival for the offspring. 

What is C, sexual reproduction creates genetic diversity within an ecosystem? 

Under which of the following conditions would an animal population most likely survive the effects of rapid climate change?

A. The population is highly mobile

B. The population has a small geographic range.

C. The individuals in the population are carnivorous. 

D. The females in the population have one or two offspring per litter. 

What is A, the population is highly mobile? 


A woman with green eyes and a man with blue eyes have one biological child.  Which of the following statements describes the child's inheritance of her genes for eye color? 

A. The child inherited genes for eye color from her father only. 

B. The child inherited genes for eye color form her mother only. 

C. The child inherited more genes for eye color from her mother than her father. 

D. The child inherited an equal number of genes for eye color from her mother and her father. 

What is D, The child inherited an equal number of genes for eye color from her mother and her father. 


Which of the following best explains why scientists can predict carbon dioxide concentrations from plant density data? 

A. Plants add carbon dioxide to the atmosphere during germination.

B. Plants add carbon dioxide to the atmosphere during transpiration. 

C. Plants remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere during photosynthesis. 

D. Plants remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere during cellular respiration. 

What is C, plants remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere during photosynthesis. 


An altered form of the structural protein collagen causes a condition in which bones are weak and break easily. Which of the following are components of collagen? 

A. amino acids             B. fatty acids

C. monosaccharides     D. nucleotides 

What is A, amino acids? 


Which of the following can be concluded about the internal cellular contents of a prokaryote?

A. The cell does not contain ribosomes

B. The cell does not contain a nucleus

C. The cell contains mitochrondria

D. The cell contains a vacuole

What is B, the cell does not contain a nucleus?


What is the building block of a carbohydrate? 

A. Oleic acid, a fatty acid

B. Leucine, an amino acid

C. Glucose, a monosaccharide

D. Cytosine, a nitrogenous base

What is C, glucose, a monosaccharide?


In the first step of glycolysis, glucose is converted to glucose-6-phosphate. Which of the following supplies the energy for the reaction. 

A.  ATP             C.  Oxygen

B.  RNA            D.  Hydrogen

What is A, ATP? 


Six puppies from a single litter have the following genotypes for a certain trait: AA, Aa, AA, aa, aa, Aa. Which of the following describes how these alleles were passed on from parent to offspring? 

A. Each parent dog randomly passed on a dominant allele (A) or a recessive allele (a) to each offspring. 

B. The male dog passed on a dominant allele (A) to each female offspring and a recessive allele (a) to each male offspring. 

C. The female dog chose to pass on either homozygous dominant alleles (AA) or homozygous recessive alleles (aa) to each offspring. 

What is A, each parent dog randomly passed on a dominant allele (A) or a recessive allele (a) to each offspring. 


Bluetongue virus causes severe disease in sheep and cattle. High levels of infection in livestock populations can threaten the livestock industry. Which of the following statements best describes how a bluetongue virus particle reproduces in its sheep or cattle host? 

A. The virus immediately kills the animal and then escapes to reproduce. 

B. The virus makes spores that are shed on the ground with the animal's wastes. 

C. The virus uses the animal's cellular machinery to reproduce inside the animal. 

What is C, the virus uses the animal's cellular machinery to reproduce inside the animal. 


A student is collecting the gas given off from a plant in bright sunlight at a temperature of 27 degrees C. The gas being collected is probably ________. 

A. Oxygen

B. Carbon Dioxide 


D. Vaporized Water

What is A, Oxygen?


Which of the following processes provides genetic diversity for a species?

A. Meiosis

B. Mitosis

C. Predation

D. Speciation

What is A, meiosis? 


A mother's milk provides disease-fighting antibodies to a nursing infant.  These antibodies are very large protein molecules that move against the concentration gradient and require vesicles to enter the cell. The antibodies most likely enter the cells lining the infant's digestive tract through which process? 

A. Osmosis                        C. Protein Pumps

B. Facilitated Diffusion        D. Endocytosis 

What is D, endocytosis? 


Brahman cattle have good resistance to high temperature, but its meat is poor and tough to eat. English shorthorn cattle, on the other hand, have good meat, but poor resistance to high temperatures. Scientists formed Santa Gertrudis cattle by breeding Brahmans with English shorthorns. The new type of cattle has good meat and resistance to high temperatures. This is an example of which process? 

A. Inbreeding

B. Natural Selection 

C. Selective Breeding

D. Genetic Engineering 

What is C, selective breeding? 


Crossing over is one event that can cause an offspring to have a phenotype that is different from its parents. Which of the following statements describes another event that can sometimes cause an offspring to have a phenotype that is different from its parents?

A. The offspring is produced by asexual reproduction

B. Natural selection favors the offspring with specific genetic traits

C. Dominant alleles are passed from the parents and expressed in the offspring

D. A genetic mutation occurs in one of the parent gametes and is passed to the offspring

What is D, a genetic mutation occurs in one of the parent gametes and is passed to the offspring?


Before mitosis begins, a cell makes a copy of the DNA in the nucleus. What term is used to describe this process of making an exact copy of the DNA? 

A. Duplication

B. Fertilization 

C. Hybridization 

D. Replication

What is D, replication? 


Protein pumps actively transport ions across a cell's plasma membrane. What molecule directly supplies the energy required for this transport? 


B. Cholesterol

C. Oxygen


What is A, ATP?