Cell Structure & Function
Vocabulary (all)
Processes and Systems
Interdependence within Environmental Systems
Eukaryotic organisms have membrane-bound organelles. Which of these organelles is considered the "control center" and stores the genetic material for the cell?
The nucleus.

When placed in a solution, yeast cells produce bubbles. Which process are the yeast cells carrying out? 



word used to describe all processes in the body



A scientist treats a cell with a chemical that destroys the ribosomes. As a result, which cell process will be stopped? 

 A. osmosis 

 B. photosynthesis 

 C. protein synthesis 

 D. respiration

What is C-Protein Synthesis

The crab Lybia tessellata carries a pair of sea anemones on its claws. The crab uses the sea anemone’s stinging tentacles as protection and the sea anemone obtains small food particles released by the crab as it feeds. Which type of symbiotic relationship does this best illustrate? 

 A. commensalism 

 B. mutualism 

 C. parasitism 

 D. predation

What is B-mutualism
Placing wilted lettuce in cold water will make it crisp again. Which statement best describes what happens to restore the lettuce to its original condition? 

A. Water left the lettuce cells by diffusion. 

B. Water entered the cells of the lettuce by osmosis.

C. Osmosis caused salts to enter the lettuce cells. 

D. Salts in the leaf caused water to leave the cells.

What is B-Water entered the cells of the lettuce by osmosis.

which type of reaction has lactic acid as a reactant

none of them. it's a product for lactic acid fermentation. 

word used to describe balance



In which way are photosynthesis and cellular respiration different? 

 A Cellular respiration stores ATP, while photosynthesis releases ATP. 

 B Cellular respiration produces oxygen, while photosynthesis uses oxygen. 

 C Photosynthesis releases energy, while cellular respiration stores energy. 

 D Photosynthesis uses carbon dioxide, while cellular respiration produces carbon dioxide.

What is-D Photosynthesis uses carbon dioxide, while cellular respiration produces carbon dioxide.

In an ecosystem, which is the most likely reason for an increase in the producer population if there is an increase in the carnivore population? 

 A. fewer herbivores 

 B. higher temperatures 

 C. less food 

 D. more oxygen

What is A  fewer herbivores 

This organelle is the site of aerobic cellular respiration in eukaryotic cells.
What is Mitochondrion

which organelle has stacks of thylakoids



word used to describe respiration without oxygen


In humans, glucose is kept in balance in the bloodstream by insulin. Which concept does this best illustrate?
What is Homeostasis
Which sequence shows increasing ecological levels of organization? 

 A. organism, population, community, ecosystem 

 B. ecosystem, population, organism, community 

 C. community, ecosystem, population, organism 

 D. population, organism, ecosystem, community

What is A organism, population, community, ecosystem 

A sugar, a phosphate group, and a nitrogen base form a nucleotide which is the building block (monomer) of which organic compound?
What is Nucleic Acid

what are the products of aerobic respiration

carbon dioxide, water, and ATP


word used to describe water moving



Pollen in plants is most similar to which type of cell in humans?

What is -Sperm

Which will most likely happen if the decomposers are removed from the carbon cycle? 

 A. The amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere will increase. 

 B. The amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere will decrease. 

 C. The amount of carbon dioxide used by producers will increase. 

 D. The amount of carbon dioxide needed by consumers will decrease.

What is B The amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere will decrease. 

Predict what may occur if a cell skips the S phase?
Error in mitosis. Too little DNA for daughter cells. Daughter cells not identical.

what's special about the formula of cellular respiration? 

it's the reverse of photosynthesis 


phrase used to describe when molecules are pushing into high concentrations

against the (concentration) gradient


What is the function of enzymes in biological systems? 

 A. Enzymes act as substrates when the necessary proteins are unavailable. 

 B. Enzymes act as products to create new chemical reactions. 

 C. Enzymes act as catalysts to drive chemical reactions forward. 

 D. Enzymes bond with substrates to create the new reaction products.

What is C Enzymes act as catalysts to drive chemical reactions forward. 


When an environment has reached its carrying capacity for a certain population, which of the following is true?

A. Growth and immigration rate is equal to death and emigration rate.

B. Growth and immigration rate is greater than death and emigration rate.

C. Growth and immigration rate is less than death and emigration rate.

D. Growth rate is exponential.

What is A. Growth and immigration rate is equal to death and emigration rate.