Cell Structure & Function
Mechanisms of Genetics
Evolution & Classification
Processes and Systems
Ecology & Biodiversity

In biology, ________ determines ________

In biology, FORM determines FUNCTION

Which term best describes the type of cell division in which parent cells produce daughter cells with the same number of chromosomes as the parent cells?
What is Mitosis

Which kingdoms have photosynthetic organisms? 

A. fungi and plants 

B. fungi and protists 

C. protists and plants 

D. plants and animals

C. protists and plants


A scientist treats a cell with a chemical that destroys the ribosomes. As a result, which cell process will be stopped? 

 A. osmosis 

 B. photosynthesis 

 C. protein synthesis 

 D. respiration

What is C-Protein Synthesis


Deer, cows, elk, moose, and rabbits are all examples of ___________. 



Placing wilted lettuce in cold water will make it crisp again. Which statement best describes what happens to restore the lettuce to its original condition? 

A. Water left the lettuce cells by diffusion. 

B. Water entered the cells of the lettuce by osmosis.

C. Osmosis caused salts to enter the lettuce cells. 

D. Salts in the leaf caused water to leave the cells.

B-Water entered the cells of the lettuce by osmosis.

This process occurs in the nucleus and produces a molecule of mRNA
What is Transcription

The forelimbs of animals such as whales, humans, cats, and bats are an example of ___________ _________

Homologous Structures


In which way are photosynthesis and cellular respiration different? 

 A Cellular respiration stores ATP, while photosynthesis releases ATP. 

 B Cellular respiration produces oxygen, while photosynthesis uses oxygen. 

 C Photosynthesis releases energy, while cellular respiration stores energy. 

 D Photosynthesis uses carbon dioxide, while cellular respiration produces carbon dioxide.

What is-D Photosynthesis uses carbon dioxide, while cellular respiration produces carbon dioxide.


In an ecosystem, if there is an increase in the carnivore population AND an increase in the producer population, which is the most likely cause?

 A. fewer herbivores 

 B. higher temperatures 

 C. less food 

 D. more oxygen

A.  fewer herbivores 


This organelle is the site of aerobic cellular respiration in eukaryotic cells.

What is Mitochondrion

Hitchhiker’s thumb (H) is dominant to no hitchhiker’s thumb (h). A woman who does not have hitchhiker’s thumb marries a man who is heterozygous for hitchhiker’s thumb. What is the probable genotypic ratio of their children? (make a punnet square)
What is 50% Hh and 50% hh

Which would most likely result in offspring that are better equipped to handle changing environments?

A. asexual reproduction

B. sexual reproduction

B. sexual reproduction


In humans, body temperature is kept in balance by sweating and shivering. Which concept does this best illustrate?

What is Homeostasis


The size of a frog population in a pond remains fairly constant over a period of several years because of 

A. decreasing competition 

B. environmental carrying capacity 

C. excessive dissolved oxygen 

D. the depth of water

B. environmental carrying capacity


A sugar, a phosphate group, and a nitrogen base form a __________ which is the building block (monomer) of which organic compound?

Nucleotide; Nucleic Acid


Some flowers show incomplete dominance. If BB = blue and bb = white, which phenotypic ratio would be expected in the offspring of two pink flowers?

1 blue: 2 light blue: 1 white


Variety within a species is most likely to result from which situation? 

 A. severe weather conditions that might occur, such as hurricanes or blizzards 

B. adaptation to local environmental characteristics by isolated populations of the species 

C. the extinction of competing species over a broad range of habitats 

B. adaptation to local environmental characteristics by isolated populations of the species 


Pollen in plants is most similar to which type of cell in humans?



Why does the number of individuals in each trophic level decrease as you go up?

As the available energy decreases, fewer organisms are able to survive. 

Bonus: how much energy would the secondary consumers get if the producers made 1200Kcal?

Predict what may occur if a cell skips the S phase?
Error in mitosis. Too little DNA for daughter cells. Daughter cells not identical.
If meiosis goes wrong and the daughter cells have missing or extra chromosomes, this is called __________. Explain why Down Syndrome is an example of this. 

Nondisjunction; people with Down Syndrome have an extra 21st chromosome (trisomy 21)


Explain how embryology is used as evidence for evolution.

Organisms that have more similar embryos have a closer evolutionary relationship due to a common ancestor


What is the function of enzymes in biological systems? 

 A. Enzymes act as substrates when the necessary proteins are unavailable. 

 B. Enzymes act as products to create new chemical reactions. 

C. Enzymes act as catalysts to make chemical reactions happen faster. 

 D. Enzymes bond with substrates to create the new reaction products.

C. Enzymes act as catalysts to make chemical reactions happen faster.  


An abiotic factor is a non-living thing that affects an ecosystem. What is one BIOTIC factor that affects consumers in an ocean ecosystem is 

A. number of autotrophs 

B. temperature variation 

C. salt content 

D. pH of water

A. number of autotrophs