Linnaean Taxonomy
Natural Selection
Nature of Science

The smallest category from Linnaean Taxonomy.

What is a species?


Refers to the phenomenon where animals who are better adapted to their environment or more "fit" will be more likely to survive and reproduce.

What is natural selection?


The process by which different kinds of living organisms are thought to have developed and diversified from earlier ancestors over time.

What is evolution?


A type of relationship where both animals benefit.

What is mutualism?


An educated guess on what will occur during an experiment or study.

What is a hypothesis?


The largest category from Linnaean Taxonomy.

What is a domain?


A trait that helps an organism survive in its environment.

What is an adaption?


Divergent evolution leads to these structures in organisms that arise from a similar evolutionary origin, but do not perform the same function.

What are homologous structures?


An organism's role in a ecosystem.

What is a niche?


A statement that summarizes a collection of observations or results from experiments.

What is a scientific law?


Binomial Nomenclature is a scientific method naming animals based on these two categories from Linnaean Taxonomy.

What is genus and species?


Ostriches have wings, but do not fly. Humans have an appendix with no apparent function. Whales contain bones for rear legs. Each of these are examples of this.

What is a vestigial structure?


Organisms that live in similar environments, such as the ocean, often have similar adaptations. This is often due to this type of evolution.

What is convergent evolution?


A group of organisms of the same species living in one place.

What is a population?


A statement that describes and explains why a natural phenomenon occurs.

What is a scientific theory?


The American Black Bear's scientific name is Ursus Americanus. This is the genus for the American Black Bear.

What is Ursus?


Two bodily structures, found in different species, have different internal bone structures (i.e. a different ancestor) but serve a similar purpose in each organism. This is most likely describing this feature.

What is an analogous structure?


This pattern of evolution results in one species splitting into many over time.

What is divergent evolution?


All of the chemical reactions of each cell in an organism that provide energy for life’s processes and create key molecules.

What is metabolism?


Before scientific research is published in a reputable journal, this process ensures that it undergoes scrutiny and evaluation by other experts in the field.

What is peer review?


The categories of Linnaean Taxonomy from largest to smallest. (8 total)

What is domain, kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, and species?


Based on the image below, this organism is most closely related to organism 3.

What is organism 4?


Early during development, organisms as diverse as a human, a mouse, and a bat can appear indistinguishable. All of their embryos look nearly identical, suggesting this hypothesis.

They all share a common ancestor?


The step of the nitrogen cycle where atmospheric nitrogen is converted into a more usable state for animals via bacteria.

What is Nitrogen Fixation?

A student is conducting an investigation to determine the effect of temperature on the    
metabolism of yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae).   Yeast and sugar are added  to water, the gas    
produced is captured, and its volume is recorded.  These two variables should be held constant in this experiment.

What are the mass of yeast and sugar?