
Thomas Malthus (1766 ? – 1834) wrote an essay that included the idea that if a population grows too large, the environment will no longer be able to support that population. Which statement also supports Malthus’s idea? 

a. The amount of available energy in an environment determines its carrying capacity.

b. Environmental conditions determine genetic variation within individuals in a population.

c. Asexual reproduction ensures a high level of biodiversity in a population.

d. Consumers dictate the amount of energy available at the producer level in a population.

a. The amount of available energy in an environment determines its carrying capacity.


Which of the following is characteristic of prokaryotes?

a. They have a nucleus.

b. They existed on Earth before eukaryotes.

c. The organelles in their cytoplasm are surrounded by membranes.

d. None of the above

b. They existed on Earth before eukaryotes.


Which organic molecule below is classified as a carbohydrate?

a. CH2 chain

b. sugar

c. nucleotide

d. amino acid

b. sugar


When two plants were crossed, the offspring showed a wide range of traits not visible in the parents. Which process is responsible for producing such genetic variability within the offspring?

a. mitosis

b. meiosis

c. transcription

d. replication

b. meiosis


A biologist analyzes the DNA sequences in three different primates. The biologist finds that primates A and B have nearly identical DNA sequences. The DNA sequences in primate C are significantly different from those of primate A. From this information, the biologist may infer that

a. all three primates appeared on Earth at about the same time.

b. primate C must have been the ancestor of both primate A and primate B.

c. primates A and B are more closely related to each other than either is to primate C.

d. either primate A or primate B must be a direct ancestor of primate C.

c. primates A and B are more closely related to each other than either is to primate C.


Refer to the illustration above. On the pyramid, animals that feed on plant eaters are no lower than

a. level D.

b. level A.

c. level C.

d. level B.

c. level C.


Plant cells have a large membrane-bound space in which water, waste products, and nutrients can be stored. This space is called the

a. vacuole

b. Golgi apparatus.

c. mitochondrion.

d. chloroplast.

a. vacuole


Proteins are essential to multiple biological processes. Which of the following constitutes a function of proteins?

a. Proteins allow chemical reactions to occur quickly in the body

b. Proteins are not used by most major organisms’

c. Proteins provide a source of energy

d. Proteins contain the organism’s genetic information

a. Proteins allow chemical reactions to occur quickly in the body


During DNA replication, a DNA strand that has the bases CTAGGT produces a strand with the bases







According to Darwin’s theory of natural selection, individuals who survive are the ones best adapted for their environment. Their survival is due to the

a. possession of adaptations developed through use.

b. choices made by plant and animal breeders.

c. possession of inherited adaptations that maximize fitness.

d. lack of competition within the species.

c. possession of inherited adaptations that maximize fitness.


Refer to the illustration above. The process shown in the diagram is known as

a. competitive exclusion.

b. succession.

c. oligotrophy.

d. symbiosis.

b. succession.


Concentration of Water and Solutes in Four Adjacent Cells

Refer to the illustration above. In this system, dissolved particles in cell B are most likely to

a. remain in cell B.

b. diffuse into cell A.

c. diffuse into cell D.This answer is incorrect.

d. adhere to cell B’s membrane.

b. diffuse into cell A.


The enzyme carbonic anhydrase catalyzes the conversion of water and carbon dioxide to bicarbonate. During this reaction, the carbonic anhydrase…

a. is formed into a different enzyme

b. remains unchanged

c. is converted into a product

d. is used up

b. remains unchanged


During transcription, a DNA strand that has the bases CTAGGT produces a mRNA strand with the bases







The hypothesis that species change over time by natural selection was proposed by

a. Jean-Baptiste Lamarck.

b. Thomas Malthus.

c. James Hutton.

d. Charles Darwin.

d. Charles Darwin.


A scientist is studying what will happen to the nitrogen cycle in the following ecosystem when a large number of fish are added to the pond. 

An increase in the fish population will most likely result in

a. a decrease in nitrogen in the atmosphere.

b. a decrease in decaying organic matter in the sediment.

c. an increase in denitrifying bacteria in the water.

d. an increase in blue-green algae along the shore.

c. an increase in denitrifying bacteria in the water.


Students perform a scientific investigation using several types of bacteria grown in liquid cultures. After incubating the bacterial cultures in test tubes for several days, they observe some of the bacteria growing close to the surface of the liquid, and other types of bacteria growing at the bottom of the test tubes. Which cellular process does the bacteria that grow close to the surface of the liquid culture most likely use to produce energy? 

a. Aerobic Respiration

b. DNA Replication

c. DNA Transcription

d. Anaerobic Respiration

a. Aerobic Respiration


The graph represents a reaction before and after the addition of an enzyme. 

According to the graph, the addition of the enzyme

a. decreased the amount of product produced.

b. lowered the overall energy change in the reaction.

c. lowered the activation energy needed to speed up the reaction.

d. increased the potential energy of the products.

c. lowered the activation energy needed to speed up the reaction.


In humans, having freckles (F) is dominant to not having freckles (f). The inheritance of these traits can be studied using a Punnett square similar to the one shown below. 

Refer to the illustration above. The child represented in box 1 in the Punnett square would

a. not have freckles.

b. have an extra freckles chromosome.

c. be homozygous for freckles.

d. be heterozygous for freckles.

c. be homozygous for freckles.


An adaptation is an inherited characteristic that can be

a. acquired during the organism’s lifetime.

b. physical or geographical.

c. the result of artificial selection.

d. physical or behavioral.

d. physical or behavioral.


In the 1930s, wolves in Yellowstone National Park were eliminated after many years of hunting. The wolves were reintroduced into Yellowstone National Park in 1995. What effect did the reintroduction of wolves into Yellowstone likely have on this ecosystem based on the food web below? 

a. The elk population decreased

b. The willow tree population decreased

c. The red fox population decreased

d. The songbird population increased

a. The elk population decreased


During normal mitotic cell division, a parent cell having four chromosomes will produce two daughter cells, each containing

a. eight chromosomes.

b. four chromosomes.

c. two chromosomes.

d. sixteen chromosomes.

b. four chromosomes.


Refer to the graph above. Which of these statements regarding the graph is true?

a. Reaction 2 occurs faster than reaction 3 because reaction 2 requires more energy than reaction 3.

b. The difference in the graphs shown for reaction 2 and reaction 3 is due to a difference in the activation energy needed for these reactions.

c. Reactant X contains more energy at the beginning of the reaction than product Z has after the reaction.

d. All of the above

b. The difference in the graphs shown for reaction 2 and reaction 3 is due to a difference in the activation energy needed for these reactions.


Cystic fibrosis is a recessive, single-gene genetic disorder that affects mainly lung cells. It produces abnormally thick mucus, making breathing very difficult. Which best explains how this disorder is passed on to offspring? 

a. The allele must be carried on the Y-chromosome.

b. The allele must be carried on the X-chromosome.

c. Both parents must express the disease.

d. Both parents must be carriers of the allele.

d. Both parents must be carriers of the allele.


The phylogenetic tree to the below indicates modern classification of the relatedness of several groups of organisms. Which two groups are most closely related? 

a. Amniota and Solenodonsaurus

b. Aistopoda and Tetrapoda

c. Nectridea and Lysorophia

d. Amniota and Diadectomorpha

d. Amniota and Diadectomorpha