Cells & Things
Evolution & Taxonomy
Biological Systems
The Environment
Its the control center of a cell, but only in Eukaryotes
What is the Nucleus
The process by which gametes are made
What is meiosis
He's the British Naturalist who sailed on the Beagle and came up with a mechanism for how evolution works.
Who is Charles Darwin
This system is responsible for absorbing nutrients for an animal's body.
What is the Digestive System
This term describes the non-living aspects of an ecosystem, such as temperature, rainfall, or salinity.
What are Abiotic Factors
This is what happens to an animal cell when placed in a hypertonic solution.
What is shrivel or shrink
An alternative form of a single gene passed on from generation to generation
What is an Allele
Picture Question: Look to the board The closest relative to species A on the cladogram your teacher has drawn on the board.
What is Species C.
Respiration in animals requires the interaction of several systems, including the respiratory system which will exchange gasses with this transportation system.
What is the Circulatory (cardiovascular) System
It is the sort of symbiotic relationship seen when egrets follow bison around a field, getting a free meal without getting in the way.
What is Commensalism
The part of Interphase during which DNA synthesis occurs
What is Synthesis or S-phase
When neither allele is fully expressed, for example, getting a pink snapdragon from crossing a red parent with a white one.
What is Incomplete Dominance
Humans didn't evolve "from" monkeys; humans and monkeys both are descended from this, last shared several million years ago.
What is a Common Ancestor
This tissue in plants is responsible for transporting the products of photosynthesis.
What is Phloem
A forest fire might result in ecological succession which will continue until this stable condition is reached
What is a Climax Community
The chemical equation for a cellular process by which some cells manufacture carbohydrates
What is 6CO2+6H2O+light-->6O2+C6H12O6 (six carbon dioxide + 6 water + light energy --> 6 oxygen +glucose)
Assuming orange fur is dominant to brown fur, this is the percentage of offspring that we'd expect to be brown from crossing a heterozygous individual with a brown one.
What is 50%
The transfer of genes from one population to another, such as by immigration or emigration.
What is Gene Flow
Chemical signals in an organism, responsible for everything from controlling a plant's growth towards the light to a teenager starting puberty.
What is a Hormone.
The term for any biotic or abiotic factor that restricts the numbers of organisms that can live in an area
What are Limiting Factors
The names of the monomers for the four primary biomolecules
What are Amino Acids, Monosaccharides, Nucleotides, and Fatty Acids & glycerol.
The odds that a girl born to a non-hemophiliac father and a carrier mother will be a carrier for the disease herself. (You must show your Punnett square to get the points)
What is 50% Remember to show your Punnett square to get the points
Environmental disasters can cause this type of evolution where population sizes are severely limited. Humans have been though a few in our long history.
What is the Bottleneck Effect.
Insulin and Glucagon are an example of this sort of feedback mechanism which keeps blood glucose levels in homeostasis.
What is a Negative Feedback Loop
Atmospheric nitrogen is inert, so its not usable by plants and animals directly. To be of use, the nitrogen must first be fixed into nitrates and nitrites by these members of the ecosystem
What are Nitrogen-Fixing Bacteria