Life and the Scientific Method
Evolution and Natural Selection
Chemistry Part 1
Chemistry Part 2

What level does life emerge at?

at the level of the cell


What is a mutation? 

a change in genetic information encoded in DNA


What are the three subatomic particles of an atom?

Protons, Neutrons and Electrons


How is the pH level affected when an acid is added to a solution?

the pH level decreases 


What are proteins?

polymers called polypeptides which are made up of monomer subunits called amino acids


Which variable in the Scientific Method is manipulated by the experimenter? 

the independent variable 


How does artificial selection lead to changes in populations over time?

Artificial selection leads to changes in population over time by interrupting natural selection. It is the intentional manipulation of specific characteristics or traits in a species to be bred and inherited by the next generation.


What is the function of ionic bonds and covalent bonds? 

Ionic bonds transfer electrons and Covalent bonds share electrons


When [H+] decreases what was added to the solution? An acid or a base?

a base was added to the solution


What biomolecule is fats considered?



One major difference between prokaryotes and eukaryotes is...

Prokaryotes lack a nucleus and Eukaryotes contain a nucleus


Which populations have higher frequencies of sickle cell alleles?

the sickle cell allele is common in the African and Arabian Peninsula regions


How does the octet rule influence the formation of ionic and covalent bonds?

The ions become charged and stable due to transferring or sharing electrons. The # of electrons no longer equals the # of protons.


What are the emergent properties of water that support life on Earth?

The emergent properties of water are cohesion and adhesion, moderate temperature and acting as a solvent by dissolving polar or charged solutes.


Which oxygen (on which carbon) of a glucose monomer will interact with carbon-1 to form a ring structure?

The oxygen on carbon-4 of glucose monomer #2 interacts with carbon-1 to form a ring structure.


What caused evolution to become a sharp focus in the 1850's?

Darwin's publication and theory of "On the Origin of Species by means of Natural Selection" in November 1859


What are the 5 ways forces that cause populations to change their frequencies of traits?

1.Natural selection

2.genetic drift

3.gene flow


5.nonrandom mating


How many bonds can nitrogen make?

3 bonds


Why is an amino group considered basic?

An amino group is considered basic because it has a lone pair of electrons on the nitrogen atom. This lone pair of electrons are strongly attracted to the positively charged hydrogen atom, which has a partial positive charge from the shared electrons with the nitrogen atom. As a result of this strong attraction, the nitrogen atom can accept the lone pair of electrons from the hydrogen atom.


How many hydrogen bonds does each nitrogenous base make with its complementary base pair?Adenine,Thymine,Guanine, and Cytosine

Adenine and Thymine are held together by 2 hydrogen bonds. 

Guanine and Cytosine are held together by 3 hydrogen bonds.


What are the 5 unifying themes in Biology?

1.Natural Selection


3.Structure and Function

4.Energy and Matter



What are two observations and two inferences provided by Darwin and Wallace to describe natural selection as a mechanism of evolution? 

Observation #1- Variation exists among individuals in a population

Observation #2- More offspring are produced than survive to reproduce

Inference #1- Traits better suited for the environment have more success in survival 

Inference #2- Accumulation of traits more suited to the environment occur in population over time 


How would you determine what chemical bond would associate lithium (Li) and chlorine (Cl) atoms.

 By looking at their properties you can show how Lithium is a metal and Chlorine is a nonmetal which fits into the category of ionic bonds.


What is one way ocean acidification affects marine life? increase of parasites and bacteria to the environment

2.lessens the creation of calcium carbonate 

3.creates the problem of interference with construction of creature body parts like ears.


What types of molecules do you think would be able to pass through the hydrophobic interior of the bilayer?

the types of molecule allowed to enter would be other nonpolar and hydrophobic molecules like fats and oils.