
A structure that has three components: a nitrogen-containing base, a pentose sugar, and 1 to 3 phosphate groups.

What is a nucleotide?


A polymer specialized for the storage, transmission, and use of genetic information.

What is a nucleic acid?


The complete set of DNA in a living organism.

What is a genome?


The fundamental hereditary material of all living organisms. In eukaryotes, stored primarily in the cell nucleus.

What is DNA?


A unit of heredity. Used here as the unit of genetic function which carries the information for a polypeptide or RNA.

What is a gene?


A bind that hold together a base pair?

What is a hydrogen bond?


A six-membered single-ring structure – cytosine (C), thymine (T), and uracil (U).

What is a pyrimidine?


The process by which a sequence of nucleotide triplets in a messenger RNA molecule gives rise to a specific sequence of amino acids during the synthesis of a polypeptide or protein.

What is translation?


Linkage between between the phosphate on the incoming nucleotide and the 3' carbon on the last sugar of the existing chain.

What is a phosphodiester linkage?


The process by which genetic information represented by a sequence of DNA nucleotides is copied into newly synthesized molecules of RNA, with the DNA serving as a template.

What is transcription?


The AT (or AU), TA (or UA), CG, and GC pairing of bases in double-stranded DNA, in transcription, and between tRNA and mRNA.

What is complementary base pairing?


The creation of a new strand of DNA in which DNA polymerase catalyzes the exact reproduction of an existing (template) strand of DNA.

What is DNA replication?


Scientists whose experiments showed that living organisms cannot arise form nonliving materials under the conditions that exist on Earth now.

Who is Pasteur and Redi?


The idea that under ordinary circumstances, living organisms can form from non-living materials.

What is spontaneous generation?


The formation of complex organic molecules from simpler inorganic molecules through chemical reactions in the oceans during the early history of the Earth; the first step in the development of life on this planet.

What is chemical evolution?