Bio-chem & Osmosis
Char. of Life
Where in the cell is DNA located?
The nucleus
If you need immediate energy, which biomolecule do you need (proteins, nucleic acids, carbohydrates, or lipids)?
What is cellular respiration?
Breaks down food molecules to release stored energy.
List the levels of organization from largest to smallest.
Biosphere Biome Ecosystem Community Population Individual
What are all living things made of?
What is the single unit (monomer) that DNA is made up of?
How much of our bodies is made up of water?
65% - 70%
Why do plants appear green?
Plants reflect green light so your eyes see green. Plants absorb red and blue.
What are decomposers? Why are they so important to the ecosystem?
Decomposers are organisms that use dead decaying organisms for food. They are so important because they break down and recycle nutrients.
What are the seven characteristics of life?
Made of cells Based on a genetic code Grow and develop Obtain and use energy Ability to reproduce Responds to environment Evolves
What are the three parts of a nucleotide?
Sugar, Phosphate, and Nitrogen Base
What happens to a cell in an isotonic solution?
The cell stays the same
What is lactic acid fermentation and when does it happen?
Lactic acid fermentation is the breakdown of glucose without the use of oxygen. It creates lactic acid as a product. It happens in the muscles when we work them too hard and there is not enough oxygen present to perform cellular respiration.
Give and example of each level of organization.
Individual - One lion Population - lion pride Community - Lions, giraffes, elephants, plants in an area Ecosystem - Lions, giraffes, elephants, plants, rocks, soil, and air in an area Biome - The Grassland Biosphere - Earth
What is the difference between growth and development?
Growth is getting larger or taller; development is a cycle of change
What is the complementary strand of the following DNA strand? AGCCGGATT
What happens to a cell in a hypotonic solution? What happens to a cell in a hypertonic solution?
Hypotonic - the cell gets larger Hypertonic - the cell shrinks
Where in the cell does photosynthesis take place? Where in the cell does cellular respiration take place?
Photosynthesis: Chloroplast Cellular Respiration: Mitochondria
Which of the following chains below gives the fox the most energy? Least energy? grass --> mouse ---> fox grass ---> mouse --> bird ---> fox grass --> mouse ---> bird --> hawk --> fox
Most: grass -->mouse --> fox Least: grass --> mouse ---> bird --> hawk --> fox
Define and give an example of homeostasis?
Homeostasis is maintaining an internal environment. Getting a fever when you are sick is an example.
Explain the structure of DNA?
DNA is a double helix (two strands twisted together). The sides are made of alternating sugar and phosphates and are anti-parallel to each other (run in opposite directions). The middle is made up of nitrogen base pairs (A-T; G-C). Repeating units of nucleotides (sugar, phosphate, nitrogen base)
Explain a function of each of the following marcromolecules: Carbohydrates Proteins Lipids Nucleic acids
Carbohydrates - Immediate energy Proteins - Enzymes (speed up reactions in the body) Lipids - Cell membranes, insulation; hormones Nucleic acids - genetic information
What are the reactants and product of photosynthesis and cellular respiration?
Photosynthesis: Carbon dioxide + Water + sunlight ----> Oxygen + glucose (Reactants) (Products) Cellular Respiration: Oxygen + Glucose ->Carbon dioxide +Water+Energy (ATP) (Reactants) (Products)
What are the five ecological relationships? List them, define each, and give an example of each.
Predator prey - One organism (predator) chases and kills the other (prey) for food. (Example: Fox and rabbit) Mutualism - Both benefit (Ex: bird eating deer off deer) Parasitism - One benefits; the other harmed (tick and dog) Commensalism - One benefits; the other unaffected (clownfish and anemone) Competition - Organisms fighting for food (two bears fighting over fish)
Give an example of each characteristic of life.
Growth and development - getting taller Based on a genetic code - organisms have DNA Made of cells - we are made of billions of cells; bacteria are unicellular. Ability to reproduce - a dog had five puppies Responds to environment - Jumping when you hear a loud noise. Shivering and sweating. Evolves - finches changing over time to adapt to different food. Obtain and use energy - eating a sandwich