Snail king
oh you like biology? name every organism
stairs to grant
sadler breakfast after class
needing a 60% to pass

What is the cells theory

  • all cells come from preexisting cells
  • Cells are the basic unit of life
  • All organisms are made from one more cell

What are the properties of life

1. Hierarchical organization 2. Evolutionary adaption 3. Reproduction 4. Growth and development 5. Chemical uniqueness 6. metabolism 7. environmental interaction 8. homeostasis


What are the steps for muscle movement

1. muscle fibers called sarcomeres contain actin and myosin

2. muscle contracts when the filaments slide past each other. Stimulated when Ca ions are released by nerve impulses

3. troponin units on actin bound to ca, displacing tropomyosin to expose myosin binding sites .... finish


Explain top-down and bottom- up trophic cascades

top-down: predation controls the bottom community

bottom-up: nutrients or plants control upper community


Darwin's theories and inferences

1. organism have various inheritable characteristics

2. more organism are born that can survive

3. organism suit their environment

1. best suited to their environment = more likely to survive & reproduce

2. overtime individuals will have advantageous traits 


what are the three means of preserving endangered species

1.Restoration 2. Conservation 3. Biodiversity hotspots


What is resource partitioning? 

Allopatric- when a species divide a niche to avoid competing for resources 

(can be between same or different species)

sympatric- emergence of a new species when a population is isolated 


What is the developmental processes of animals

1. zygote forms and cleavage occurs which rapidly divides cells. Gastrulation forms germ layers. morphogenesis decides cell fate. embryo continues to grow. 


What is population growth and what does it influence

Population growth is how the size of a population changes over time. Emigration, immigration, birth, death, and limiting resources affect it. 


Compare asexual vs sexual benefits & tradeoffs. 

Asexual disadvantages are that is less diverse offspring

Advantages are more fecund, favorable is stable environments.

Sexual benefits: genetic diversity, more resilient Disadvantages: are more time and energy needed, more complicated, more female investment.

Asexual disadvantages: less diverse offspring Advantages are more fecund, favorable is stable environments.


what the the ways animals naturally find their home?

1. Tracking their position relative to the sun 2. Adjusting for changes by means of circadian clock 3. Sensing their position relative to earth’s magnetic field.


Fundamental and realized niche

fundamental- where it can live 

realized- where it does live 


How do plants protect themselves?

physical: dermal tissue, thorns (stem), spines (leaves)

chemical: toxins, growth regulators, digestion inhibitors, repellants



What are the mechanisms used to make phylogenetic trees

comparative cytology (comparing cells)

comparative biochemistry (comparing proteins and nucleic acids)

comparative morphology


Seed functions

- provide dormant phrase

-provide food and protection for embryo 

- provide dispersal


What are the evidence for endosymbiosis

Reproduce through Binary fission

Have their own DNA

 Have double membranes


Konrad Lorenz

Niko Tinbergen

Karl Von Frisch

studied animal imprinting 

studied innate behaviors and evolutionary adaptations of animals

Discovered honey bees waggle dance language


How do animals protect themeselves

chemically: monarchs eating milkweed which is highly toxin to many other animals besides monarchs.

through cryptic and aposematic coloration. 

Lastly through mimicry: Mullerian and batesian.


the 3 domains of life and and their charateristics

Bacteria - no histones, no intones, circular DNA, Cell wall of peptidoglycan, no nucleus

Archaea - histones, intones, circular DNA, no peptidoglycan, no nucleus

Eukarya- nucleus with membrane bound organelles


explain the different plants' gametophyte and sporophyte relationship

Non vascular: dominant gametophyte and reduced dependent sporophyte

Seedless: dominant sporophyte Independent gametophyte

Seed plants: dominant sporophyte dependent gametophyte


What contributed to the Cambrian Explosion?

1. major evolutionary adaptations

2. increase in 02 by cyanobacteria

3. coevolution made species move to land


Provide an overview of our immune system

for: defense against infection & cancer 

3 types: integumentary (skin and mucous)

innate(recognition proteins in pathogens)

adaptive (past invaders recognition) 


Why is sexual selection practiced and its effects

organisms choose the best individual to mate with in order to produce the most fit offspring. To increase survival rates and more adaptations

practiced: sexual dimorphism and secondary sexual characteristics. 


What are viruses and prions

Viruses are parasitic chemical on "borrowed life" Require a host cell to reproduce. Genetic material wrapped in protein shell

Prions are proteinaceous infectious particles that induce an abnormal folding of our protein prions found abundant in our brains 


plants are made out of 
