Cell It! Cell it!
Whatha Cell ?
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Biology Knowlodgy

Which 2 organelles could be found in plant cells but not in animal cells?

a. chloroplasts     b. cell membrane   c. centrioles 

d. ribosomes      e. cell wall 

chloroplasts and cell wall


Study the karyotype of a female with a genetic disorder.  What type of mutation caused this disorder?

a. insertion resulting in extra genetic material being added to a chromosome

b. deletion resulting in missing genetic material from a set of chromosomes

c. translocation resulting in a portion of one chromosome being added to the end of another chromosome.

d. nondisjunction resulting in an extra chromosome 



This diagram models which of the following molecules?

a.  RNA      b. DNA  c. protein    d. Carbohydrate 



Scientists debate on whether or not viruses are living. Which 2 of the following give the best support that viruses COULD BE classified as living?

a. contain genetic information    b. don't grow or dev.

c. evolve over time    d. can infect only some cells 

A and C


Study the food web and identify which 2 populations receive energy directly from the mouse.   

a. owl      b.  rabbit    c. frog    d. fox 

A and D


Which of the following represents a form of reproduction that results in genetically diverse offspring?

a.  division of bacteria cells by binary fission 

b. mitotic division resulting in a new plant from a parent plant clipping

c. random fertilization of an egg by a sperm 

d. cloning 



After meiosis is complete, how many chromosomes will be in the sperm cell?

a.  2          b. 4           c. 8         d. 16

b. 4


Which 3 elements are commonly found in nearly all macromolecules? 

a.  carbon    b. phosphorus    c. nitrogen    d. hydrogen

e.  sulfur      d. oxygen 

carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen 


Who was responsible for adding "all cells come from existing cells" to Cell Theory?

a. Needham             b. Virchow 

c. Hooke                  d. Leiwenhooke 



Brown eyes (B) are dominant to blue eyes (b) which are recessive. If a homozygous dominant male is crossed with a heterozygous female, what are the most likely genotypes of the offspring?

a.  100% homozygous dominant

b.100% heterozygous 

c. 50% homozygous dom and 50% heterozygous 

d. 50% homozygous dom and 50% homo recessive 



Heart muscles must supply constant energy to pump. Compared to skin cells that need less energy, the heart cells would have more of which of the following?

a. vacuoles      b. lysosomes   c. centrioles  

d. mitochondria 



Which best describes this process shown below?

a.  meiosis creating sex cells 

b. mitosis producing identical daughter cells

c. Fertilization creating a zygote

d. mitosis creating sex cells 


Using characteristics of living things, which of the following would scientists us to determine something is living vs nonliving. 

a. can move      b. have one or more cells

c. contains carbs, lipids, proteins, or nucleic acids

d. ability to use energy 

has one or more cells


The heart contains several types of tissues that work together to function.  The heart represents which level of organization?

a. a tissue           b. a cell            

c. an organ          d. an organ system 



A molecule of ATP has three phosphate groups that are important to living things.  Why are they important?

a.  Releasing a phosphate group releases energy needed by the cell.

b. Long term energy storage 

c. Adding a third phosphate group adds extra energy to the molecule. m



Identify the prokaryote. 


Meiosis produces sperm and egg cells.  Which processes occur in meiosis the contribute to the most genetic variation in offspring? 

a. DNA replication     b. disjunction   

c. independent assortment and crossing over

independent assortment and crossing over


Dehydration synthesis occurring in ribosomes is shown in the picture.  What describes the reactants and product?

a.  monosaccharides making a disaccharide

b. Fatty acids making a phospholipid 

c. amino acids making  a protein



What type of transport is shown in the picture?

a. osmosis            

b. active transport with protein pump

c. endocytosis           d. facilitated diffusion 



How does energy move from one level to the next?

a.  all the energy moves from the producers to primary consumers and then on up. 

b. Only some of the energy from each level moves up bc energy is also transferred to the environment as heat.

c. Each level gets energy directly from the sun, but each level is less efficient at converting sunlight in to usable energy.  



Niemann-Pick is a serious disorder that occurs due to a build up of lipids in cells.  Lipid build up happens when the digestive organelle in cells is not functioning.  Which organelle would be malfunctioning? 

a. ribosome     b. centrioles    c.  lysosome

d.  Endoplasmic Reticulum 



Select a description to define the image.

a. O2 moves with the concentration gradient by simple diffusion.

b. O2 requires a transport protein to move

c. O2 moves through the cell membrane by osmosis.




What is the function of this molecule?

a.  main structure of muscles 

 b. store long term energy

c. aid in creating proteins



Which is true of the picture below?

a. The cell will shrink in C but swell in B.

b. The cell will shrink in B but swell in C.

C. Beaker A will swell.    D.  Beaker A will shrink.



A substitution mutation results in the formation of a stop codon in the middle of a gene sequence.  How will this mutation affect the protein being formed? 

a. it will contain fewer amino acids than it should

b. protein will have correct shape but not function 

c. it will be unaffected by this type of mutation 



The diagram shows a process that takes place during interphase of the cell cycle.  What is the purpose of this process?

a. create haploid cells   b. add genetic variation 

c.  provide an exact copy of DNA for daughter cells 



These 3 checkpoints in the diagram below ensure cells develop correctly.  Aneuploidy is a disorder caused from an abnormal amount of chromosomes. Which of the following would most likely be the point where a mistake could cause this disorder?

a.  Cell doesn't complete G1 due to a lost signal.

b. DNA is damaged and not repaired in G2.

c. An error occurs at metaphase checkpoint. 



As temperature and ph increase past a certain point, enzyme activity decreases.  Why?

a.  increased in both gives more energy so enzymes are needed

b. increase in both decreases the amount of energy needed for the reactions to occur

c. Increase in both with alter the enzyme's shape to the point it will not fit the substrate



How are aerobic and anaerobic cellular respiration different?

a. only one requires energy.

b. Aerobic requires oxygen and anaerobic does not.

c. Aerobic is only in animals and anaerobic in plants



The light dependent reactions of photosynthesis use light energy to split water molecules.  Then solar energy is transferred to NADPH and ATP. How is that energy related to glucose?

a.  energy is transferred to and stored in glucose bonds

b.energy is lost in the atmosphere as CO2 and glucose

c. energy is recycled in thylakoids by ADP and Nadp



According to the theory of evolution, which type of cells were the first on Earth? 

a.  heterotrophic eukaryote 

b. photosynthetic prokaryote 

c.  aerobic, heterotrophic prokaryote 

d. anaerobic, heterotrophic prokaryote 



Cystic Fibrosis is an autosomal recessive disorder.  The pedigree below shows the inheritance of cystic fibrosis in a family.  Which set or sets of couples have the highest chance of having a child with CF?  Select all that apply.

a.  Terry & Lisa       b. Rita & Rick       c. Paul & Gina 

A and C 


The table shows traits for flower color where allele R exhibits incomplete dominance over allele R'. 

A heterozygous plant has pink flowers.  What percentage of offspring are expected to have pink flowers if the parent plants are red (RR) and pink (RR')?

a. 25%        b. 50%      c. 75%   d. 100%



Study this chemical reaction that creates carbon dioxide as a product and releases energy in the form of ATP.  X, Y, and Z, represent unknown compounds.

X + Y ----enzymes--->  CO2 + Z + ATP

Which 2 of the following compounds could represent X and Y in this reaction?

a. glucose (C6H12O6)    b. oxygen (O2)

c. water (H20)               c. hydrogen (H2)

A and B 


According to the Punnet square and the chart, which blood type would NOT be found in their children?

a.  Type A    b. Type B   c.  Type AB   d.  Type O