What is an Angiosperm
Buds that grow at the end of a twig
What is Terminal
The body cavity that contains the spinal cord
What is Spinal Cavity
What is Backbone
Number of Neurons in your brain
What is 100 billion
Trees that lose their leaves each fall
What is Deciduous
Buds that grow along the side of a twig
What is Lateral
Where arteries carry blood
What is away from heart
Nickname for the Cranium
What is Braincase
What is Reticular Formation
What is Herbaceous
Area of a twig where a leaf has grown
What is a Node
What is Viscera
What is 600+
3 parts of the Brain Stem
What is Medulla Oblongata, Pons, and Midbrain
The system including leaves, stems, and flowers
What is Shoot System
The life cycle of a fern
What is the Alternation of Generations
What are Sweat Glands
The individual muscle cells in a muscle
What is Muscle Fibers
Nickname for the 7 Olfactory Receptors
What is 7 Primary Odors
Stems that grow horizontally for food storage
What are Rhizomes
Transplanting a bud to an older stem
What is Budding
What the Endocrine system controls
What is Hormones
What is Sternocleidomastoid Muscles
The ringing of the ears
What is Tinnitus