Protecting things from being used up.
What are possible reasons for wildebeest Migration
food availability, human interactions (hunting), lack of shelter, mortality rates
What continent is the Serengeti located in?
This is a tribe in the Serengeti that was kicked out of the park for a time and who have been typically denied a voice in decision making.
the Masai
The relationship between nature and human
Nature Culture Relations
Wildebeest are killed by ______.
Lions or Hyenas
What countries is the Serengeti located in?
Tanzania & Kenya
The Movie modeled after the Serengeti
The Lion King
Evidence verified by observation
Empirical Evidence
What data was analyzed for the cause of wildebeest migration
bone marrow analysis, food availably, blood analysis
Based on rainfall patterns, June through November in the Serengeti is known as this season
The dry season
This term is used to describe a mathematical representation or formula
an algorithm
a resource or environmental condition that limits the growth in a population
Limiting factor
The Serengeti is home to the world's largest movement of animals, often called the " _____ _________"
Great Migration
Do gorillas live in the Serengeti?
This bacteria grows in the soil and can infect wildebeest in June and July when they go to the Handejega region.
seasonal movement of animals from one region to another.
The wildebeest travel to this location during the dry season because it has the most rain.
Kogatende, or the north
Approximately how many miles long is the Serengeti?
100 miles
The amount of wildebeest that can be supported by the environment (carrying capacity) is about this many, in millions.
1.3 (million)