Found in the Experiment
The Scientific Method
Define Please!
Lab Safety
In a controlled experiment, there is only one factor that can change at a time. This tested factor that might affect the outcome of the experiment is called this.
What is the independent variable?
These five steps are found in the scientific method.
What are ask a question, form a hypothesis, collect the data, analyze the data and report conclusions?
Information gained from observations.
What is data?
This is what you should do if something goes wrong in a class experiment, such as a student cutting themselves or breaking a glass beaker. If you're not sure if what you have done is dangerous, ask just in case (better safe than sorry!)
What is tell a teacher?
An entomologist (a scientist who studies insects) is collecting data on butterflies and air temperature. The entomologist creates a cage with dividers that allows butterflies to pass through. The butterflies were placed in the cage at 8am and recorded the next day at 8am. The following results are obtained: CHAMBER: TEMPERATURE: # OF BUTTERFLIES: 1 51-60 degrees F 5 2 61-70 degrees F 5 3 71-80 degrees F 30 4 81-90 degrees F 70 5 91-100 degrees F 30 This is the independent variable.
What is the temperature?
A second factor measured by scientists in an experiment, this factor results from changes to the independent variable.
What is the dependent variable?
In the first step of the scientific method, this (a direct method of gathering information in an orderly way) and this (combining what you know and what you have learned to make logical conclusions) might be made.
What are observations and inferences?
This is a body of knowledge based on the study of nature and its physical setting.
What is science?
Should you ever place an electrical cord by a body of water, or vice versa?
What is no?
CHAMBER: TEMPERATURE: # OF BUTTERFLIES: 1 51-60 degrees F 5 2 61-70 degrees F 5 3 71-80 degrees F 30 4 81-90 degrees F 70 5 91-100 degrees F 30 This is the dependent variable.
What is the number of butterflies in each chamber?
This is the group in an experiment exposed to the factor being tested.
What is the experimental group?
In the second step of the scientific method, you make one of these. This is important because this is a statement showing what you want to test therefore defining how you change your variables.
What is the hypothesis?
This refers to beliefs, theories or practices that have been or are considered to be scientific but have no actual basis in scientific fact.
What is pseudoscience?
A student sees this safety symbol that indicates extreme temperature.
What is an oven mitt?
CHAMBER: TEMPERATURE: # OF BUTTERFLIES: 1 51-60 degrees F 5 2 61-70 degrees F 5 3 71-80 degrees F 30 4 81-90 degrees F 70 5 91-100 degrees F 30 What should be some control variables that the scientist should be including?
Possible answers: What is all the butterflies coming from the same area? What is all the butterflies being the same species? What is all the butterflies being the same age? (Anything that shows there shouldn't be a significant difference between the butterflies, that they should basically be identical to one another.)
In an experiment, this group is used for comparison.
What is the control group?
In the last two steps of the scientific method, biologists find themselves asking themselves about this. Often, the investigation must be repeated many times to obtain consistent results. Later, after being carefully examined by reviewers, they can publish their findings in a journal.
Possible answers: What is "Has my hypothesis been supported?" What is "Is more data needed?" What is "Are different procedures needed?" (Any question regarding whether or not they have accurate findings.)
This is a logo designed to alert you about a specific danger.
What is a safety symbol?
A biologist sees a picture of a skull on an unidentified bottle of chemicals which indicates this.
What is toxicity?
CHAMBER: TEMPERATURE: # OF BUTTERFLIES: 1 51-60 degrees F 5 2 61-70 degrees F 5 3 71-80 degrees F 30 4 81-90 degrees F 70 5 91-100 degrees F 30 If you graphed this data using a bar graph, this is the title you would give it.
Possible answer: What is "The Shift of Butterflies into Temperature Specific Chambers"? (Make sure the title is descriptive and specific to the experiment!)
In an experiment, this is a factor that remains fixed while the independent and dependent variables change.
What is the constant?
These are the four branches of the third step in the scientific method. In other words, these are the four things biologists will set up while conducting an experiment during the fourth step of the scientific method.
What are controlled experiments, experimental designs, data gathering, and investigations?
This is the occurrence of accidental or unexpected but fortunate results.
What is serendipity?
What caution should a student show for an item that has been marked with a picture of a fire crossed out?
What is the fact that it is flammable? (This means it will ignite so they should not make any rash decisions to go throw it in a fire and see what happens...)
CHAMBER: TEMPERATURE: # OF BUTTERFLIES: 1 51-60 degrees F 5 2 61-70 degrees F 5 3 71-80 degrees F 30 4 81-90 degrees F 70 5 91-100 degrees F 30 If you graphed this data using a bar graph, this is how you would describe your graph.
Possible Answer: What is the y-axis shows the temperature increasing with a scale of 5 while the x-axis shows the number of butterflies in each chamber with a scale of 5, and the actual bars themselves represent the different chambers?