What is an allele?
A specific version of a gene
True or false (and why): females get their DNA from their mom, and males get their DNA from their dad
False, each kid gets half their DNA from mom and half their DNA from dad
List 3 things that can increase a person's risk of developing cancer that are within a person's control
Not wearing sunscreen, smoking, not getting enough sleep
"JugR1" is the name of the protein in walnuts which causes allergic reactions when eaten by humans because the human immune system attacks it. It is controlled by the "JugR1" gene in the walnut plant.
True or false (and why): CRISPR could be used to make walnut plants that do not cause allergies by changing the JugR1 gene
True, CRISPR is able to deactivate bad genes and insert better versions of those genes
Which p53 allele leads to an increased risk of cancer and how do you know?
P53 allele B leads to increased cancer risk. People with only the A allele have a much lower cancer risk than people with the B allele
The following pedigree shows the inheritance of DMD, a very severe type of muscular dystrophy. What types of people seem to be the most affected by DMD?
List 3 things that can increase a person's risk of developing cancer that are not within a person's control
Family history, being taller, being older
How do changes in DNA lead to changes in proteins?
Different DNA will create different RNA, which will code for different amino acids, and when amino acids have different chemical properties it will cause the protein to have a different structure and function
Which BRCA allele leads to an increased risk of cancer and how do you know?
BRCA allele D leads to increased risk of cancer. People with only BRCA allele C have a lower risk of cancer than people who have the D allele
You want to investigate why males seem to get DMD more than females do. Which of these questions would not be worth investigating?
A. Is DMD an inherited disease?
B. Is DMD caused by a gene mutation?
C. Are there any other diseases caused by mutations in that same gene?
How are cell cycle checkpoints related to cancer?
Cancer cells form when the cell no longer listens to cell cycle checkpoints
"JugR1" is the name of the protein in walnuts which causes allergic reactions when eaten by humans because the human immune system attacks it. It is controlled by the "JugR1" gene in the walnut plant.
True or false (and why): in order to create an allergy-free walnut plant, scientists should make the walnut's DNA more similar to human DNA
False, they just need to fix that one gene
Which population will have more genetic variation and why?
Population B because crossing over leads to new combinations of alleles
How did Lakita get the mutated version of the p53 gene and how do you know?
She got it from her father. It only takes one mutated p53 gene to have Li-Fraumeni, and her mother doesn't have Li-Fraumeni, so her mother must have 2 working versions of the p53 gene. Lakita would have to get the mutated version from her father who also had it.
Place the following in order from smallest to largest:
organ system, tissue, organism, cell, organ
cell, tissue, organ, organ system, organism
"JugR1" is the name of the protein in walnuts which causes allergic reactions when eaten by humans because the human immune system attacks it. It is controlled by the "JugR1" gene in the walnut plant.
True or false (and why): by editing the JugR1 gene, scientists will prevent allergic reactions because the walnut will be easier to digest
False, it will prevent allergic reactions because it will change the JugR1 protein so that the immune system doesn't attack it
What is the name of the process shown in this image, and what is the purpose of that process?
Crossing over. It increases genetic variation in a species
A baby is born with a rare mutation which causes 6 fingers. There is no family history of this mutation. Which of these is NOT a possible explanation and why?
A. Mutation caused by environment
B. Random mutation during cell division
C. Mutation during meiosis
D. Mutation caused by poor diet
D, the baby was just born and therefore couldn't have a mutation due to its poor diet
Why does increased age increase a person's risk of cancer?
Their cells have divided more times over the course of their lives, and each time a cell divides it accumulates mutations. The more mutations build up, the more likely a cell will become cancer
"JugR1" is the name of the protein in walnuts which causes allergic reactions when eaten by humans because the human immune system attacks it. It is controlled by the "JugR1" gene in the walnut plant.
True or false (and why): changing walnut DNA can result in allergy-free walnuts because humans will create different proteins when they eat them
False, it will change what proteins the WALNUT plant makes, not the proteins the human makes
Why is it a good thing for a species to have more genetic variation?
it increases the chance of some individuals surviving when faced with new challenges such as diseases which lets the species survive and adapt better
What could NOT be an explanation for the first ever clover with 6 leaves (a rare mutation)?
A. New genetic combinations from crossing over
B. Genes which transferred from one clover plant to another
C. Genes which switched between chromosomes during cell division
B, genes can't transfer between plants like that
How does chemotherapy work? Why is it so good at killing cancer, and why are there side effects?
You inject chemicals into the patient which are designed to kill cells which divide rapidly. Cancer cells divide rapidly so it is able to kill them effectively, but there are side effects because there are other types of cells in your body which are supposed to divide rapidly such as hair cells
Challenge question (not on the test): What does CRISPR stand for?
Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats