What is the integumentary system?
The integumentary system is composed of the skin, hair, and nails. It protects the body parts beneath it.
Describe the Dermis.
The dermis is the thickest layer of skin and is located between the epidermis and subcutaneous layer. It has a fiber called collagen in it, and also contains may small structures, like muscle fibers, nerve endings, hair follicles, blood vessels, sweat glands, and oil glands.
What is a sweat gland?
Sweat glands are small structures in the dermis that release sweat to cool the body and remove waste.
What is a blood vessel?
Blood vessels are small tubes that transport substances throughout the body and help regulate body temperature.
How does the integumentary system work with the cardiovascular system to maintain homeostasis?
The cardiovascular system works with the integumentary system to maintain homeostasis by healing the skin. The skin acts as a barrier to protect against pathogens and injuries. When you get a cut or wound, the cardiovascular system delivers white blood cells and other immune components to the site to fight pathogens and heal the cut.
What is melanin?
Melanin is a pigment that determines a person's hair, eye, and skin color. It absorbs ultraviolet light from the sun to protect your body.
Describe the Epidermis.
The epidermis is the surface of your skin, and is also the thinnest. It is the thickest on the palms of your hands and soles of your feet because you use them the most. The epidermis is made of mostly dead skin cells and contains a protein called Keratin.
Describe an oil gland.
Oil glans are also reffered to as sebaceous glands. They release oils that keep the hair flexible and waterproofs the epidermis.
Fat cells are located in the Subcutaneous Layer. It is vital in energy regulation, insulation, and cushioning organs.
Provide another reason about how the integumentary system works with the cardiovascular system to maintain homeostasis.
The integumentary system helps regulate body temperature through sweating and blood flow. When you're hot, sweat glands in your skin release sweat, which evaporates and cools you down. Blood vessels in your skin also dilate (widen) to increase blood flow to the skin's surface, allowing heat to escape. Conversely, when you're cold, blood vessels constrict (narrow) to reduce blood flow to the skin, conserving heat.
Describe the skin.
The skin is the largest organ in the body. Its color is determined by melanin. The skin has four functions: It protects the body by keeping fluids in and foreign invaders out. It keeps you in touch with the outside world. The skin also regulates body temperature by sweating. Lastly, the skin removes bodily wastes through sweat.
What is Keratin?
Keratin is a protein in the Epidermis that makes the skin tough
What is a hair follicle?
A hair follicle is a tiny structure in the dermis that makes the hair.
How can you get skin cancer?
By damage to genetic material (DNA) in the skin cells.
What is hair?
Like skin, hair is made of living and dead skin cells. It is formed in a tiny sac called a hair follicle, and melanin determines hair color. The hair grows when new cells are added and the old ones are pushed forward.
What is collagen?
Collagen is a fiber in the dermis that strengthens the skin. It also allows the skin to bend without tearing.
What is a muscle fiber?
Muscle fibers are tiny structures in the Dermis that attach to hair follicles to allow the hair to stand up. They are also known as Erector Pili.
What causes acne?
Acne is caused by hormones that cause oil glands to produce too much oil. The oil clogs up hair follicles, resulting in acne.
Describe a nail.
The nail is composed of both living and dead cells. It grows from the nail root at the base of the nail. Your nails grow longer as new cells are formed at the base.
What is the subcutaneous layer?
The subcutaneous layer is the deepest layer of the skin (beneath dermis and epidermis). It is made of connective tissue. It contains small structures like fat cells, nerve endings, and blood vessels.
Describe a nerve.
Nerves are located throughout the body. They send electrical messages throughout the body. They are also reffered to as nerve fibers/nerve endings/sensory fibers/sensory receptors.
How does the skin heal from a cut?
1) A blood clot forms to prevent bacteria from entering and blood loss.
2) Bacteria fighting cells come to fight the bacteria.
3) Damaged cells are replaced through cell division.
4) Eventually, just a scar remains.