Human Genetics
DNA is made of two strands of nucleotides formed into a two-stranded spiral, with the sugar and phosphate groups on the outside, and the paired bases connecting the two strands on the inside
What is a double helix?
The nucleic acid that carries the information stored in DNA to the ribosome. (Bonus of 100 if you can spell correctly)
What is RNA (Ribonucleicacid)?
(All) Draw a punnett square for the offspring of a Bb (brown hair) and a bb (blond hair). Show each offspring's probability.
A disease characterized by a population of cells that grow and divide without respect to normal limits.
What is cancer ?
(All) This project was created to understand the genetic make-up of the human species by determining the DNA sequence of the human genome;and the genome of a few model organisms. However, it is not just determining the 3 billion bases; it is understanding what they mean.
What is The Human Genome Project?
The only four possible bases that make up each DNA nucleotide.
What is adenine, guanine, thymine and cytosine?
This nucleic acid carries the instructions from the nucleus to the cytoplasm.
What is Messenger RNA (mRNA)?
(All) A change in the frequency of an allele (or genetic makeup) in a population. (from Population Chapter)
What is evolution ?
(All) 24 distinct chromosomes: 22 autosomal chromosomes plus the sex-determining X and Y chromosomes.
What is human genome ?
(All) Refers to the process of isolating a DNA sequence of interest for the purpose of making multiple copies of it.
What is cloning?
These are composed of 3 main parts: a. Phosphate group b. 5-carbon sugar c. Nitrogen-containing base
What is a nucleotide?
The synthesis of a RNA that carries the information encoded in the DNA.
What is transcription ?
An Augustinian monk, a teacher, and a scientist. He is often called the "father of modern genetics" for his study of the inheritance of traits in pea plants.
Who was Gregor Mendel?
a change in the DNA or RNA sequence. These often result in new alleles which may or may not be beneficial.
What is a mutation?
This was the first mammal to be cloned from an adult somatic cell.
Who is Dolly the sheep?
(All) The inherited unit of DNA that encodes for one protein (or one polypeptide).
What is a gene?
(All) The synthesis of proteins as the ribosome reads each codon in RNA, which code for a specific amino acid.
What is translation?
An organism’s physical traits.
What is a phenotype?
A disorder due to a mutation in a gene on the X-chromosome; also called X-linked disorder.
What is sex-linked disease ?
(All) This model/law states that a population will remain at genetic equilibrium - with constant allele and genotype frequencies and no evolution - as long as five conditions are met. (from Populations chapter)
What is The Hardy-Weinberg model ?
This describes how the replication of DNA results in two molecules of DNA, each with one original strand and one new strand.
What is semiconservative replication?
In RNA, these bases replaces the thymine (T) found in DNA.
What is uracil (U)?
(All) Mendel's first law states that a pair of alleles is separated, or segregated, during the formation of gametes and that each gamete has an equal chance of getting either one of the allele.
What is The Law of Segregation ?
(All) This depicts, usually in a photograph, the chromosomal complement of an individual, including the number of chromosomes and any large chromosomal abnormalities.
What is a karyotype ?
In small populations, random variations in allele frequencies can significantly influence the “survival” of any allele, regardless of its adaptive value. Random changes in allele frequencies in small populations are known as this. (from Populations chapter)
What is genetic drift ?