Organelle of Cell
Organelle of Cell
Cell Membrane
Organ Systems
I am like a wall surrounding the city. Nothing can enter or leave without passing through this.
What is the cell membrane?
I am like the recycling plant. I take cell waste and materials from outside the cells to break them down into the cytoplasm to be used.
What is lysosome?
I am like the swampy landscape of the city. I am made up of water and nutrients. Inside of me is the cytoskeleton that gives the cell its shape.
What is the cytoplasm?
I am like the storage facility. I hold materials that the cell will need later. I also store wastes until they can be gotten rid of.
What are vacuoles?
I am like the factory. I create, store, and carry around important substances throughout the cell.
What is the endoplasmic reticulum?
I am like the leader of the city. I contain the nucleolus and the nucleolus is where all the DNA is contained.
What is the nucleus?
I am like the workers in the factories. I assemble amino acids into long chains called polypeptides. Once I complete an amino acid chain, the chain is pushed into the rough ER which sends the polypeptide to the golgi apparatus.
What are ribosomes?
I am like the blueprints of the city. I store all the information that your cell needs to determine how to function properly.
What is DNA (Deoxyribonucleic acid)?
I am like the post office. Once protein chains arrive, I process and package them before sending them where they need to go.
What is golgi apparatus?
I am like the mint of the city. This is where cellular respiration takes place. Cellular respiration is the process where glucose and oxygen combine to create waste products of carbon dioxide and water but also energy for our cell in the form of a molecule called ATP (adenosine triphosphate).
What is the mitochondrion?