Role of biomechanics
Types of motion

What is biomechanics?

  • The study of motion and the effects of forces relative to the body

  • Applies the laws of mechanics and physics to human performance


What is the role of biomechanics?

Through the study of motion, biomechanics contributes to the description, explanation and prediction of the mechanical aspects of sports performance


Define angular motion.

Where all the parts of a body move through a rotational pathway, through the same angle, in the same direction and at the same time.


What is internal force? Provide an example. 

  • Structures of the body that interact to produce movement

  • E.g. Action of muscles and tendons that act together to produce forces that cause movement


Why is biomechanics important in sports?

In sports, biomechanics is crucial because it helps athletes improve their performance and reduce the risk of injury. By analysing movements, coaches and trainers can optimise techniques, enhance efficiency, and ensure that athletes are using their bodies in the most effective way possible.


Describe motion. 

movement that occurs when an object has changed position in space and in time, due to the application of forces


Describe external force and provide two examples of when it is used. 

  • Result from the interaction between the body and the environment. These can include contact forces and non-contact forces

  • Gravity

  • Friction

  • Air resistance

  • Water resistance


How can it prevent sports injuries? 

  • Injury reduction through an understanding of injury causes and application of correct technique

  • Prevention is particularly important in overuse injuries, with analysis of how forces interact and the effects these forces have on and within the body playing a significant role

  • Reduction of wear and tear on joints and ligaments

  • Analysis used to help eliminate muscle imbalances

  • Biomechanics plays a significant role in injury prevention by identifying improper movement patterns that could lead to injuries. Through biomechanical analysis, experts can detect issues such as poor posture, incorrect joint alignment, or imbalanced muscle use. By addressing these problems, athletes can adjust their techniques and training regimens to avoid stress and strain on vulnerable areas, thereby reducing the likelihood of injuries.


Describe the three different axis of rotation. Provide an example of each one.

  1. Medial axis – navel to lower back (gymnast performing cartwheel)

  2. Longitudinal / Sagittal axis – head to toe vertically (ice skater spinning)

  3. Horizontal axis – hip to hip (diver performing forward somersault)


Describe linear motion and provide two examples. 

  • Where movement is along a straight line, there is no rotation and all body parts move in the same direction at the same speed

  • E.g. An ice skater gliding after they completed a movement or a cyclist who stops pedaling (straight line motion)


How can it improve performance? Provide an example. 

  • By studying how the body wants to move we can adjust athletes' techniques to enhance performance by;

  • Providing guidelines and modifications for the selection of appropriate equipment to suit individual needs

  • E.g.  Junior size equipment made lighter and easier to use

  • E.g. Technological advancements in cricket bats, golf equipment, tennis racquet etc. to improve power and accuracy

  • Improving energy conservation through economy of movement

  • Improving movement speed (running, cycling etc.)

  • Improving power (jumping, throwing etc.)


Describe what is happening when the body moves through angular motion. 

  • It is the rotary movement about an axis ­

  • As a result, all body parts do not move through the same distance

When objects move through an angular pathway, all body parts do not move through the same angular distance with the most distal point (L2) covering the greatest distance.


Explain the difference between rectilinear and curvilinear motion and provide an example of each motion. 

Rectilinear motion: 

  • Movement is linear and occurs through a straight line

  • This is often represented by the body as a whole or certain point of the body (the head when running)

  • A basketball chest pass or baseball pitch are good examples where the ball’s path is flat and in a straight line

Curvilinear motion: 

  • Movement is linear but object moves through a curved trajectory

  • Think about the pathway of a ball during a shot on goal in netball or the flight path of long-distance ski jumper

  • The path is more curvilinear as it follows a curved path to reach the target


How can biomechanics improve performance in volleyball?

Biomechanics improves performance in volleyball by analyzing the mechanics of various movements such as spiking, serving, and blocking. For example, by studying the biomechanics of a spike, experts can help players optimize their jump height, arm swing, and hand positioning to generate more power and accuracy. This can lead to more effective and consistent spikes, enhancing overall team performance.


Explain general motion and provide an example. 

  • Combination of linear and angular motion

  • Human movement usually consists of general motion rather than pure linear motion or angular motion. This is a result of the angular rotation of several body segments combining to produce linear motion of the body

  • E.g. a cyclist may move in a straight line as a result of the rotation of the legs about the hip joint