Newton's Laws
Movement through air and water
Name Newton's Three Laws
1. Inertia. 2. Acceleration. 3. Action and Reaction.
What is a projectile?
Any object thrown into space or water by the exertion of a force.
A See Saw is an example of which type of lever?
First Class
What is hydrodynamics?
Forces acted on or exerted by fluids onto an object.
What are the two main types of motion?
Linear Motion and Rotary Motion.
Newton's Third Law states that...
For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction
What are the three factors affecting the flight of a projectile?
Angle of Release. Height of Release. Speed of Release.
What is the fulcrum?
The axis of movement in a lever.
How is lift (Bernoulli's Principle) created on an object just as a frisbee?
Due to the shape of a frisbee, there is a pressure differential created above and below the frisbee due to the differences in air speed. The pressure differential means that there is low pressure on the top (curved side of the frisbee) and the object wants to move into this area. This is how lift is created.
Define the Coefficient of Restitution
The elasticity of the collision between an object and a given surface. It measures how much energy remains in the object after a collision takes place.
What is Inertia?
For an object to remain in its present state (whether moving or stationary) until acted upon by a force
What is the optimal angle of release when trying to make an object go as far as possible?
45 degrees.
Explain FLE123 when we are trying to determine which lever is which?
F (1) - Fulcrum in the middle. L (2) - Load in the middle. E (3) - Effort in the middle.
Name 3 ways that a cyclist can minimise air resistance.
- Outfit: Helmet, clothing, shoe covers. - Bike: Aerodynamic water bottle, seat post, wheels. - Body Position.
Explain the difference between sequential forces and simultaneous forces.
Sequential: When body movements occur in a series to generate force. Simultaneous: The explosive action of all body parts at the same time to generate force.
What is Newton's Second Law?
The acceleration of an object is directly proportional to the amount of force applied, in the direction that the force is applied.
What is a parabola?
The symmetrical flight path of a projectile.
Explain how the difference in arc lengths can affect the outcome of the object.
Shorter arc - less power generated, more control. Longer arc - greater power generated, less control.
Define Fluid Mechanics
The study of the motion of objects as they pass through fluid or gaseous mediums such as water and air.
What is the difference between internal and external forces? Provide an example for each.
Internal: Forces that come from inside the body eg muscles. External: Forces that come from outside the body eg gravity.
Using the appropriate equation, complete this problem: A 10 kg bowling ball would require what force to accelerate down an alleyway at a rate of 3 m/s/s?
F = MA. = 10 x 3. = 30N.
What variable has the greatest impact in the distance an object will travel?
Angle of Release.
Which class of lever is most present in the body and why? (provide an example).
Third Class. The Effort is in the middle (the muscles). The Load is at one end (the ball/object). The Fulcrum is at the other end (joint). Eg Hitting a baseball, effort is arm muscles, load is the bat and ball, fulcrum is the shoulder.
Based on what you know about lift and spin, explain the differences between top spin and back spin?
Top spin - Top of object rotating away from you; object tends to curve downwards through the air. Back spin - Bottom of the object rotating away from you; object tends to float through the air.
What are the two ways someones stability can be increased?
Lower the Centre of Gravity. Increase the Base of Support.