Machine Learning
Decision Support
Grab Bag
Data needed to calculate patient care performance measures are often stored in this form in electronic medial records (EHRs) making them hard to extract automatically.
What is narrative text? (Will also accept "natural language" or "free text")
In this type machine learning, the correct classification of training set is used to train the system.
What is supervised learning?
This automated decision support message may be produced when a user enters a dangerous medication order into an EHR.
What is an alert? (Would also accept "What is a reminder?")
This ubiquitous device may be an ideal platform for mobile health applications.
What is a smart phone?
In information retrieval, sensitivity is to recall as specificity is to this.
What is precision?
This tool from the National Library of Medicine's UMLS project can identify concept names in text.
What is MetaMap?
MLI, developed by Sparks and colleagues, uses this technique to improve machine learning throughput.
What is parallelization? (Will also accept "what is distributed processing?"
Unlike Iliad and Meditel, these two diagnostic systems use non-Bayesian algorithms.
What are QMR and DXplain?
This technique incorporates elements of game design into computer applications that are otherwise boring and repetitive to increase user engagement.
What is gamification?
This is the process identifying patients who belong to a particular cohort, based on physical findings.
What is phenotyping?
MedLEE (Columbia University's Medical Language Extraction and Encoding system) uses this to represent semantic and syntactic components of its knowledge.
What is a grammar?
Dligach and colleagues studied these two types of disease modifiers in clinical texts.
What is are "body site" and "severity"?
Kassier gave computerized diagnosis systems this grade in response to a study by Berner and colleagues.
What is a "C"?
This approach to computerizing interactive role-playing games can yield engaging, ecologically valid and user-centric content.
What is virtual reality?
PubMed is to literature citations as this is to genetic sequence data.
What is GenBank?
Evans and colleagues used this NLP method to process dictated patient reports in order to identify patients with heart failure.
What is keyword/term detection?
In a paper by Osborn and colleagues, identification of cancer cases was best achieved by combining these two forms of coded data.
What are CUIs and ICD-9 Codes? (Also accept Concept Unique Identifiers and ICD-9-CM or International Classification of Diseases, 9th Edition, with Clinical Modifications)
In addition to noting the inclusion of the correct diagnosis in a diagnosis list, Berner and colleagues used this metric when scoring decision support systems for having the right answer.
What is rank?
Mobile phone ownership is at or above this percentage in the US, Africa and China.
What is 90%.
This measure, often symbolized by a single letter, estimates classification accuracy based on precision and recall.
What is the F measure?
Each concept in the UMLS Metathesaurus is assigned one or more of these to provide coded information about the concept's meaning.
What is a semantic type?
The performance of Tahsin and colleagues' rule-based extraction system was extremely sensitive to this.
What are errors in GenBank data?
In a study by of decision support tools by Moss and Berner, the use of this in the design of medication alerts was cited by participants as increasing their awareness of potentially important information.
What is color?
In an HIV gamification study by Nevin and colleagues, players' answers to reintroduced questions were more frequently correct by this percentage.
What is 11.9%? (Will accept 11% or 12%)
Known by the acronym ROC curves, these graphs depict the relationship between sensitivity and specificity.
What are Receiver Operating Characteristic curves?