Average Precipitation
Animal Species North American Biomes
Plant Species North
American Biomes

Which two biomes have nearly the same average temperature?

What is Temperate deciduous forest and grasslands.


Describe the region of the biosphere that will most likely have higher average temperatures and greatest biodiversity. 

What is the region closer to the equator.


What latitudinal region has the largest number of species?

What is Tropical region.


What biomes will you find anacondas and sloths?

What is Tropical Rainforest. 


What Biome will you find lichens and reindeer moss?

What is Tundra


Which biomes have extreme temperatures?

What is Tundra which is extremely cold and desert which is extremely hot. 


What characteristics of a Tundra that makes it difficult for a high level of biodiversity to develop?

What is very low temperatures and very little precipitation. 


What biome is found in the artic region?

What is Tundra


What biomes will you find owls, black bears, fox and coyotes? ( hint: seasonal foliage). 

What is deciduous forest.


Identify plants that can be found in a desert biome. 

prickly pears, creosote bush, & yucca. 


What is another name for a coniferous forest?

What is taiga.


What is the general trend of the biodiversity in biomes as the latitude moves from the arctic region towards the equator?

What is the biodiversity increase as the latitude changes from the artic region towards the equator. 


What biomes are found in the tropical region?

What is tropical rainforest and desert


What biome will you find rattlesnakes, roadrunners, armadillos? (hint: little rainfall)

What is desert.


Describe adaptations plants have made to be able to live in a desert. 

What is small reduced leaves (spines), store water within plant( cacti), spines and hairs to protect from being eaten. 


What would be the most likely reason for grasslands having grasses rather than trees as their dominant plant species?

What is grasslands have considerably less precipitation than deciduous forest.  Trees require more water than grasses.  


What characteristics of the grasslands biome make it a critical source of food for the U.S and other countries?

Moderate temperatures and appropriate amounts (not too much or too little) of rainfall are beneficial for growing grain. 


What latitudinal region has the fewest number of species?

What is the arctic region. 


What biome will you find polar bears and caribou?

What is Tundra.


Which biome has coconut palm, coffee, cocoa and orchids? 

What is tropical rainforest. 


Describe the relationship between temperature, precipitation and the type of forest. 

What is a colder temperature and lower amounts of precipitation result in coniferous forest, a more temperate climate with higher amounts of precipitation results in deciduous forest; and a higher temperature with high precipitation results in the tropical rainforest. 


If rainfall in the grasslands biome decreases to what type of biome would the grasslands biome convert to?

What is a more desert like biome as rainfall decreases. 


What biomes are found in the temperate region?

What is Deciduous Forest & Grasslands


What biome will you find coyote, prairie dogs, and grasshopper? (hint: treeless plains).

What is grasslands.


What is the difference between coniferous and deciduous trees?

Coniferous have needles instead of leaves. They have waxy covers to protect structures. They are called evergreens, pine trees and produce cones for reproduction.

Deciduous trees shed their leaves seasonally.