This biome receives very little rain. Mostly hot, but cold during the day.
- Antarctica = BIGGEST
- Sahara = HOTTEST
The Desert.
Water humans and animals can drive. Little amounts of salt.
- Streams, Rivers, Ponds, and Lakes are all examples of this.
Organisms that are found naturally in an ecosystem.
Native Species.
Another word for land.
This is Earth's biggest biome. Forest with mostly Evergreen trees.
- Long, cold, and snowy Winters.
- Short, warm Summers.
The Taiga.
An area that has deep water and lots of biodiversity?
Open Ocean.
A variety of living organisms in a habitat or ecosystem.
Another word for water.
Grass is the most dominant plant.
- Called Prairies, Savannas, and Meadows.
The Grassland.
A place that has a thin layer of water covering the soil and is wet most of the time.
A place where an organism lives.
If something is living, it is called _______?
Forests that grow near the Equator.
- Large amounts of rain.
- Warm year-round.
- Dense tall, leafy trees.
The Tropical Rainforest.
Underwater structure made from the outside skeletons of tiny, soft-bodied animals called coral.
Coral Reef.
A community of living organisms in an area, interacting with each other and their non-living environment.
If something is non-living and has will never be living it's called ________?
The most common forest biome in the United States. Trees lose their leaves in the Fall.
- Snow in the Winter.
- Hot and humid Summers.
The Temperate Deciduous Forests.
Along the coast where freshwater (rivers and streams) meets and mixes with salt water (seas and oceans).
A non-native organism that is introduced to an ecosystem and causes harm.
Invasive Species.
This is called a _______ ______?
Food Web. Connected Food Chains.