Exp Design/Lab Notebook/Background
Lab Math
DNA, Transcription, Translation
rDNA/Genetic Engineering

This is what REE PE PA stands for.

What is results with evidence and explanation, possible errors, and practical applications?


This is the equation to solve dilution problems

What is C1V1 = C2V2?


These are the four bases found in DNA and how they pair.

What is adenine pairs with thymine and guanine pairs with cytosine?


This is what GFP stands for.

What is Green Fluorescent Protein?


This is the type of organism in which CRISPR is naturally found. 

What are bacteria?


These are two potential careers in the biotech field? 

What are CSI, lab technician, etc? 


This is the unit of % (w/v).

What is g/mL?


These are the locations of transcription and translation in a eukaryotic cell.

What is transcription in the nucleus and translation in the cytoplasm/ribosomes?


This is the term for a small circular piece of DNA that is used as a vector.

What is a plasmid?


This is one candidate disease for CRISPR therapy (might need to explain your answer to why). 

What are sickle cell anemia, CF, muscular dystrophy, etc? (caused by a malfunctioning gene)


These are three things required for a valid experiment.

What are controls, one variable, a testable hypothesis, etc.


There are this many uL in 2.63 L.

What is 2,630,000?


These are the three STOP codons. 

What are UAA, UAG, and UGA? 


These are the two types of enzymes required to perform genetic engineering via cutting and pasting.

What are restriction enzymes and ligase?


These are at least two reasons that CRISPR is considered a big deal/why it improves upon existing technology. 

What are more directed fixes, can genetically engineer inside a living organism, can potentially fix genetic diseases before birth, etc. 


These are the four areas of biotechnology.

What are industrial/environmental, agricultural, medical/pharmaceutical, and diagnostic? 


This is how many uL of a 30x solution you would add to make 150 mL of a 2x solution.

What is 10,000 uL?


These are the two main types of RNA that exist

What are mRNA (messenger) and tRNA (transfer). 


This is the difference between recombinant and transgenic.

What is transgenic is an organism that is made of DNA from more than one species, while recombinant mean two or more pieces of DNA joined together/rearranged (the process of creating a transgenic organism).


These are three components of the CRIPSR system. 

What are guide RNA, PAM, Cas9 enzyme, etc? 


This is the definition of a positive and negative control.

Positive- something you know the positive outcome before you start (it has been positive in the past) Negative- a sample that is lacking the actual thing being tested (ex. lacking DNA when genotyping)


If you added 300 uL of a 75% solution to a final volume of 50 mL, this would be your resulting concentration

What is 0.45%?


This is the difference between a codon and an anticodon.

What is a codon is three bases on the mRNA while the anticodon is the complimentary sequence on the tRNA that codes for the correct amino acid.


In the pGLO lab, this was the purpose of the four plates at the end.

What is: LB -pGLO: postive control for growth LB/Amp - pGLO: negative control for growth LB/Amp + pGLO: make sure transformation worked LB/Amp/Ara + pGLO: glowing


This is what CRISPR stands for. 

What is clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats?