Mental Well being

What are the 4 domains of mental well being?

Cognitive, Emotional, Social, Physical

What are the two phases for Bipolar disorder?

Depressive and Manic phase


Who are the 3 famous people with Bipolar Disorder?

Kayne West, Selena Gomez and Demi Lovato 


Explain social well being?

Communicating and making relationships where one can express themselves

For example, working on a group project or playing games with your family. (Social Interaction)

This includes relationships and connections with classmates, family, a lover and friends

Helps you feel loved, special, a place to belong too and a purpose

Can impact your stress level, heart rate and blood pressure


How is Bipolar Disorder diagnosed?

 Health care professionals will ask about thoughts, behaviors, personal and family medical history.


What is stigma?

  • Being judged, viewed in a negative way or stereotyped based on having a mental illness. 
  • Not being considered for who you are but by your mental illness

List 3 ways to improve your emotional well being?

  • Boost resilience- adjusting to difficulties at a quicker rate
  •  Getting a good rest- helps you perform at your best 
  • Being mindful- focusing on your inner side and world around you
  • Using a journal to observe thoughts and feelings

What are the 3 signs/symptoms during the manic phase?

  • exaggerated self-esteem 
  • decreased need for sleep
  • more talkative than usual
  • racing thoughts
  • easily distracted
  • excessive energy for activities
  • engaging in risky behavior or exhibiting poor judgment

List 3 ways teens can reduce stigmatization?

-Learn more about the mental health disorder and teach others

-Self check


How does Bipolar disorder affect the physical well-being? 

  • May experience high levels of weight gain 
  • Drowsiness
  • Rapid heart rate

List 4 ways to treat Bipolar Disorder?

-Mood stabilizers

-Atypical antipsychotics


-Anti-anxiety disorder



List 4 stigma surrounding Bipolar Disorder?


-Poor decision making skills

-Can't stay in relationships

-Can't stay in a job


How does Bipolar Disorder affect the cognitive well being?

  •  Depression period: difficult to concentrate, have memory delays and hard to solve problems.
  • Manic episode: thoughts are racing and low decision making skills

List the cause and risk of Bipolar Disorder?

Cause of Bipolar Disorder : Precise causes of bipolar disorder are unknown. (stress or difficult family relationships do not cause bipolar disorder. Someone already diagnosed with it may trigger an episode. 

Risk of Bipolar Disorder : Strong evidence shows that genetics play a big role (likely it can be passed down or have a higher chance at being diagnosed if family members have.)


Explain the warning signs that Selena Gomez had?

  • she began hearing voices in 2018 and she did not know what was happening too her 
  • those voices would just get louder and louder till eventually she could not handle it and was taken to an treatment center  
  • she was suffering from parnoia where she was then diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder