This category of birds includes the smallest birds in the world.
This is the name for the ancient art of paper folding.
These birds hold funerals, gathering in large numbers, when one of their species dies.
This color was formerly associated with royalty.
Dark head
Grey-brown back and wings
Orange-red belly
American Robin
The specialized bill of this bird can hold up to three gallons of water.
This bird can recreate the sounds of many modern objects - cellphones, lawnmowers, and chainsaws.
These are the three "secondary" colors.
Green, orange, and purple.
Blue, white, and black plumage
A prominent crest
Black necklace
Blue Jay
This bird has a beard and a snood.
This expensive fiber comes from the cocoon of an aptly named worm.
This bird is a parasitic nester - ousting the eggs of the original occupants and leaving its own in their place to be cared for by the original parents.
Brown-Headed Cow Bird
This color is most commonly cited as being a person's favorite color.
Bright red cap
Black and white barred wings
White Belly
Red Bellied Woodpecker
This bird from "down-under" has a horn on its head and an exceptionally powerful kick.
This photographer was made famous by his landscape photographs, particularly of the American West and its national parks.
Ansel Adams
This category of birds have exceptionally long tongues - their tongues start behind their nostrils, go over the eyes, and coil around the back of their skulls before entering their mouths.
This fruit-loving scientist made a major contribution to the arts world by compiling and organizing what we now know as "The Color Wheel."
Sir Isaac Newton
Breeding males are identified by bright red bodies with black wings and tail.
Scarlet Tanager
The stomach acid of this bird is stronger than the acid found in automobile batteries.
Turkey Vulture
This word refers to the ease with which you can pull pigment from a natural substance.
This bird has a grip strength of nearly 700 psi - 10x more than that of an average human.
The Bald Eagle
This neurological condition can often manifest as the ability to "see" music as colors.
Sound-Color Synesthesia
Small, stocky body
Grayish above and white below
Peach under the wings
Grayish crest and dark eyes
Tufted Titmouse