These two birds have a sharp-hooked beak and long talons to grab prey
Eastern Screech Owl and Cooper's Hawk
Our only bird that makes a cavity nest
Downy Woodpecker
Raptors have _______________ beaks, ________ feet and excellent _______________
sharp-hooked; strong, curved- grasping; eyesight
Some birds have feathers that stick up on the top of their head like a mohawk, but it is actually called a _____________
Put these birds in size order from smallest to largest.
A: Eastern Screech Owl; B: White-Breasted Nuthatch; C: Downy Woodpecker; D: Mourning Dove
B: White-Breasted Nuthatch C: Downy Woodpecker A: Eastern Screech Owl D: Mourning Dove
This is our only bird species with a tubular beak
Ruby-throated Hummingbird
The five types of nests
cavity, cup, pendulum, platform, and ground
Populations of _______ and other __________ would increase too rapidly if it weren't for raptors.
mice rodents
Our only bird that builds a pendulum nest of grass, wool, horsehair, twine and/or fishing line high in a tree.
Baltimore Oriole
Forked tail and tongue, and can beat wings 53 times a second.
Ruby-Throated Hummingbird
The Downy Woodpecker has a _________ beak and feet with ____________________________
chisel or drilling; four toes- two pointing forward and two pointed backward
The kind of nest used by peregrine falcon, common murre, and emperor penguins use
None, they choose a secluded area or as in the case of the penguin-hold the egg on top of their feet
Raptor means to...
"seize and carry away"
3 foods birds get from native plants
fruits; seeds; and tasty bugs
Our 3 species that are only here in the summer
Ruby-Throated Hummingbird; Baltimore Oriole; House Wren
A flat-shaped bill with fringed edges to filter plants and animals from the water
Straining beak
Our four birds that nest in a cavity, though they don't make one.
House Sparrow, House Wren, White-Breasted Nuthatch, Eastern Screech Owl
The four main threats Raptors face.
Crashes, loss of habitat, climate change, and poisons
Name the 4 birds that have a skinny beak. 3 for eating primarily insects. The 4th one eats mostly seeds that are on the ground. *100pts extra for the seed eater
*Mourning Doves eat mostly seeds; Baltimore Oriole, White-Breasted Nuthatch, House Wren
Although I will kill and eat fish, mice, and baby birds, in addition to grains, seeds, nuts fruits, eggs and garbage; I am not a raptor. I am an omnivore.
American Crow
These three birds have a short cone shaped beak for cracking seeds
Dark-eyed Junco, House Sparrow and American Goldfinch
Woven cup made of grass, pine needles, leaves, hair, moss or ferns typically on the ground. *You will never see their nest in PA.
Dark-Eyed Junco
In 1972, the pesticide __________ was banned and in 1978 the ______ _________ ______ was passed.
DDT; The Endangered Species Act
6 ways you can be a friend to birds
Prevent window crashes; keep kitty in; go native; water the birds; let it be (brush); lights out
Songbirds: End of breeding season late ______(month). Nests are built within ____ft off the ground in the ________
July; 5; understory