The Song
About Traditions
Milestone Years
Other Countries
What are the lyrics to the song sung at birthday celebrations?
Happy birthday to you...
These were lighted to send birthday prayer for the gods to answer.
What are candles
Israel celebrates boys at this age with a special party and ceremony. What is the celebration's name?
What is 13
Pinatas are popular in this country at birthday parties.
What is Mexico
Which two presidents' birthdays do we recognize with holidays?
What is Washington and Lincoln.
In 1962 who Famously sang "Happy Birthday to You" to the then President?
Who is Marilyn Monroe (to J.F.K)
What do you do to have a wish granted on your birthday?
What is blow out your candles.
In the Latin Cultures what year transitions a girl into a woman?
What is 15 (the celebration is called a Quinceanera)
In this country if you find a coin in your slice of cake, you will be rich!
What is England
How do you say "Happy Birthday" in Spanish?
What is "Feliz Cumpleanos"
How many times do you sing "happy birthday to you"?
What is 3
These were originally used to scare away evil spirits
What are noise makers
At which year are the boys of Scotland considered to be men?
21, Being given the key to the house is still considered an important sign of coming of age in Scotland. This takes place when someone turns the age of twenty-one. The young man who was given the key to the house is said to be given permission to come and go as he pleases and to stay out as late he liked.
What cheer follows the Birthday Song in countries like Australia and the U.K.
What is "Hip Hip Hooray!"
In which month are the most birthdays celebrated?
What is August.
The combination of lyrics and music first appeared in print in the year...
This country serves a person LONG noodles on their birthday as a sign of longevity
What is China
What birthday milestones are significant for the children of Japan?
In Japan their is a Shinto Festival called Shichi-Go-San, which roughly means "seven-five-three". All three year old children, as well as five year old boys and seven year old girls, are taken to the temple and given special sweets by the priest. Parents are expected to express their joy that their children have reached that age and are bound to praying for their wealth and happiness.
This African country waits until their infant is 8 days old and then takes them out for their ceremonial first walk around the village.
What is Kenya.
Can you name a birthstone for each month?
Garnet, Amethyst, Aquamarine, Diamond, Emerald, Pearl, Ruby, Peridot, Sapphire, Opal, Cirtin, Topaz.
What lyrics are sometimes added to the end of the song?
What is "and many more"
What is the original idea behind the popular party game "Pin the tail on the Donkey"
This game comes from the idea that birthdays are a good time to try and guess the future for the celebrated person.
Which religious group does not celebrate a child's birthday until the age of 16?
What is Hindu.
Which culture traditionally recognizes a person's birthday on the first day of the year (also known as Tet)?
What is Vietnam.
What were the first balloons made out of?
European jesters and troubadors were said to sometimes inflate the entrails of recently butchered animals and "entertain" with them. This is where the association of modern-day balloons with celebrations is throught to have originated.