What day was I born?
Take a shot if you got this wrong
How old am I turning (already turned ig)
Take 5 sips if you got this wrong
What is my dad’s name?
Drink water or something
What state was I born in
Take 2 gulps not sips if you got this wrong
Take a sip of water if you got this right
How old was I the first time I drank/got hammered
17- night before graduation party
Take a shot
Who do I live with when I visit Fayetteville?
aunt tryna, uncle jay, Jordin&dogs
if you included the dogs ily take a shot. If you didnt include the dogs take 3 sips
What was the first state I moved to?
I’ll let you have a break, right or wrong,
other team drinks
How many cars have I had?
If you got this right, drink some water
How many boyfriends have I had, and how long have I been with current one?
3 years kinda
if you got this right take a gulp, if you got this wrong take 2 shots, dummy.
what grade was I in when I got pushed from a window
Take a drink if you got this wrong
What grade was I in when I moved to NC
Rachel take a drink.
How many siblings do I have + step + auntys kids
If you’re able to list names and birth order that determines your drinks. (Include me in birth order obviously)
Jason, Cameren, Jordin, (me), Xavier, Lenny, Amaya, Destiny, Ella.
Got that right? Drink water. Got it wrong? Take 4 sips.
Was I born at night or in the morning
morning- 12:23 am
Team captain take a shot if you got this wrong, teammates take 3 sips.
Take 5 sips if you got this right.
How many dogs and guinea pigs have I had from Texas-present
Take a shot if you got this wrong- unless the team captain can name all of them.
How many dad’s has my mom made me have?
steven, Arturo, Justin, Reagan, D-Nutt, Tony man
If you listed names correctly, other team drinks.