A cut in a board at 45 degrees is called this.
What is a miter cut?
The author and founder of IEW was this mustached man.
Who is Andrew Pudua?
An adjective found in the predicate modifying the subject is called this.
What is a predicate adjective?
This English word for blessing comes from the two Latin words – “bene,” good – and dicere “say.”
What is benediction?
If 28 bowling pins were arranged in a triangular pattern, this is how many pins would be in the base row.
What is seven?
A rabbet is defined as this.
What is a groove in the edge of the board?
Two or more words in a row starting with the same sound is called this.
What is alliteration?
A participle is a verb acting as this part of speech.
What is a noun?
The English word “monstrance” is a derivative of this Latin word for “show.”
What is monstrat?
According to some legends, February has 28 days because this man wanted his month to be as long as his uncle’s.
Who was Augustus Caesar?
A four stroke engine is called four stroke because of these four strokes in each cycle.
What are the intake, injection, combustion, and exhaust?
The background for a character or situation is called this.
What is exposition?
A sentence with a subordinate and two independent clauses is called this.
What is compound complex?
“Dominus Anulorum” is the name of this movie trilogy based on the books of the same name.
What is The Lord of the Rings?
The atomic number for this element, commonly used in coinage, is 28.
What is nickel?
The standard spacing between studs of a load bearing wall is this many inches.
What is 16 inches on center?
One of the ways a metaphor differs from a simile is by one of these conjunctions.
What are like or as?
The noun which is referred to by its pronoun is called this.
What is an antecedent?
This Roman god has the same name in Greek.
The number 28 is considered this kind of number (a term so old even Euclid used it) along with 6, 496, and 8128 because the sum of the factors equals the number.
What is a perfect number?
When a segment of a board overlaps another such that the joint is the same thickness as the two joining boards, the joint is called this.
What is half lap?
Three periods in a row is called this.
What is an ellipsis?
Austrialia derives its name from this Latin word meaning south.
What is Austris?
28 is considered a happy number, which is defined as a number that eventually reaches this number when you repeatedly replace the number by the sum of the squares of its digits
What is one?