Before the Party
At the Party
The Birthday Cake
More Presents

When it comes to someone else's birthday party, you should... a) ask to be invited b) scream and cry until you are invited c) do not ask to be invited, just wait and see if you are invited

What is c) do not ask to be invited, just wait and see if you are invited

True or False. The host/birthday boy or girl is the "boss" of the party.
What is True. You are not in charge of the party, even if you feel like you should be, it's THEIR party.
True or False. Only the birthday person can blow out her candles, unless she invites somebody to help out.
What is True. You should never help blow out candles unless you were asked.
True or False. The person whose birthday it is gets to unwrap the presents by himself.
What is True.
True or False. You should refrain from telling someone you do not like his gift.
What is True.
True or False? Birthday parties MUST be celebrated on the actual day of the person's birthday.
What is False. The birthday party may not be celebrated on the actual day of the birthday.
If you do not like the theme of the birthday party, you should... a) tell the host/birthday boy or girl you do NOT like it b) tear up the decorations and throw them away c) do not say anything, people have different interests and tastes
What is c) do not say anything, people have different interests and tastes.
True or False. If you do not like the design of the birthday cake, it is okay to tell them it is ugly.
What is False. You may not like the design on the cake, but don't say that the cake is ugly.
True or False. It is okay to announce how much the present cost.
What is False. Do not announce how much the present cost.
True or False. If you know what a person is getting for his birthday, you should tell them. It's a lie not to tell them.
What is False. If you know what a person is getting for his birthday, do not tell him. Just say that you cannot share that information because it is a secret. It is not a lie to keep this kind of information secret.
When you are buying a present for the person, you should... a) buy something he or she would like (not something that you would like). b) buy something you like and maybe they will give it back to you c) do not buy them anything they do not deserve a present
What is a) buy something he or she would like (not something that you would like).
While you are at a birthday party, you should NOT... a) say thank you to the host/birthday boy or girl after you leave b) talk about your last birthday party and how much better it was c) sing Happy Birthday
What is b) talk about your last birthday party and how much better it was than the party you are attending
If you do not like the flavor of the cake, you may simply say, "_______" when offered a piece. a) No thanks b) This is disgusting! c) I don't care for any right now d) A and C
What is d) A and C .... you may simply say "No thanks" or "I don't care for any right now" when offered a piece.
It is okay to make rude comments about the gifts others give if... a) it's a bad gift b) if you don't like the person who gave it c) never
What is c) never. You should never make rude comments about the gifts others gave the birthday person.
If you give a gift that you previously owned to someone you should... a) tell her that you did not want it anymore b) don't say anything, you are giving it as a gift c) tell her its a stupid gift you hated
What is b) don't say anything, you are giving it as a gift. When you are giving a gift that you have previously owned to someone, do not tell her that you did not want it anymore.
If you are around people who are not invited to a party, you should... a) discuss plans for the party around them b) do not discuss plans for the party around them c) lie and say you are not invited either
What is b) do not discuss plans for the party around them
If I give a present to my friend, who owns the gift?
What is your friend owns the gift after you give it to them.
If the birthday person is older, there will be many candles on the cake. You should refrain from saying things like... a) The cake is as bright as the sun b) I need my sunglasses c) You are so old! d) All of the above
What is d) all of the above. You should refrain from saying things like, the cake is as bright as the sun, I need my sunglasses, and you are so old!
Which situation is the best choice... a) only the person who receives the presents can play with the present, unless she gives you permission b) you can play with whatever present you want to
What is a) only the person who receives the presents can play with the present, unless she gives you permission
Share a QUICK story about a POSITIVE birthday party experience.
What is Thanks for sharing!
Sing the song that is sung at birthday parties
What is happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear lucy (almost), happy birthday to you!
Share a QUICK story about a POSITIVE birthday party experience.
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Which of these situations is the best choice... a) wait until the birthday person blows out the candles and the cake is cut before you eat a piece of cake b) wait until the birthday person blows out the candles, the cake is cut, and everyone has been served before you eat a piece of cake c) grab the first piece of cake and start chowing! d) none of the above
What is b) wait until the birthday person blows out the candles, the cake is cut, and everyone has been served before you eat a piece of cake
If you get a present that you already have you should NOT say... a) Oh, I've already got five of these. b) Where can I take this back? c) This is a great gift, its so good I have another one. d) say nothing and throw it back at them.
What is c) this is a great gift, its so good I have another one. You can take it back later.
Share a QUICK story about a POSITIVE birthday party experience.
What is thanks for sharing!