Favorite sport to play?
What is water polo
Favorite decade of music
What is the 80s
what is the biggest lego set?
What is the Colosseum
(world map)
What day is my birthday
What is November 15, 2004
What is my pefered scouting hat?
What is pikachu
Licence I used to own
What is scuba licence
How long have i been playing the cello
what is 8 years
How many lego sets do I own (within 5)
What is 56
Where was I born?
What is vegas
My favorite Pokemon generation
What is generation 5
Other than pokemon cards and legos, what do i collect
What are coins
Favorite video game soundtrack
What is human fall flat
What lego type do I have the most of?
What is Starwars
The Pixar Movie I have seen hundreds of times
What is Cars
What Pokemon have I spent the most time shiny hunting?
What is moltrese
Favorite mobile game
What is polytopia
My favorite music band
What is Lovejoy
My favorite type of lego set
What is architecture
My favorite movie
what is the forbidden kingdom
What is my favorite Pokemon
What is Oshawott
Favorite ps2 game from my childhood
What is grafidi kingdom
My favorite artest
Who is Masayoshi Takanaka
How many millennium falcons do I own
What is four
How many times have I moved homes in my life?
What is six
My favorite shiny Pokemon I own
What is Articuno