So you think you know Bisnow
Who is it?
So you think you know it all?
Workflow 101
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The name of Bisnow's founder, who stepped down when the company was sold to Wicks in 2016.

Who is Mark Bisnow?


This production team member got married in 2020 and has not taken a honeymoon. 

Who is Sophie?


Poinsettias are usually given around this winter holiday.

What is Christmas?


On these two days, producers are supposed to send their google docs with website text to Ben & Julia.

What is day 17 and 18?


This is the rarest M&M color, despite the fact it requires the least amount of food coloring.

What is brown?


This is the city where Bisnow was founded.

What is Washington, DC?


Before Bisnow, this producer sang and wrote for a living.

Who is Liz Baker?


Chimpanzees and gorillas have human-like fingerprints, as does this mammal. It can't keep it's paws off the eucalyptus.

What is a koala?


By the end of this workflow day, producers should have a min of three speakers confirmed.

What is day 13?


This country consumes more chocolate per capita than anywhere else in the world?

What is Switzerland?


In 2020, Bisnow hosted over how many events and webinar?

What is more than 700?


This marketing team member was previously employed at a privately held financial, software, data, and media company headquartered in Midtown Manhattan.

Who is Catherine White?


These two planets have interesting weather. It literally rains diamonds. Glad one of them has a ring!

What is Saturn & Jupiter?


On these days, producers will hold calls with key individuals in their dojo to review the events in production.

What is day 6 and 7?


A pink lady is a varietal of this kind of fruit.

What is an apple?


Of our massive subscriber base, NYC is the largest, followed by Washington, DC. This city region comes in third, with more than 58,000 newsletter subscribers.  

What is San Francisco (Bay Area)?


This Bisnow exec loves Wolverines.

Who is Gregg Mayer?


This is the world's biggest island.

What is Greenland?


This is the date that June First Call Requests are due to Chris.

What is March 10?


US President Bill Clinton put one of these in the country's millennium time capsule. Good thing they almost never go bad.

What is a Twinkie?


This is the name of the NYC podcast Bisnow launched in 2020

What is "Make Yourself at Home?"


I was a former roofer, wildland firefighter and am now a food truck enthousiast and Bisnow salesperson.

Who is Tom Woodcock?


This creature is the national animal of Scotland. Though you're going to have a hard time finding one there. 

What is a unicorn?


This is the date April webinars LCRs are due.

What is March 22?


Spaghetti is actually the plural of many noodles of the popular pasta shape. This is the word used to describe a singular strand.

What is a spaghetto?