Super Bowl
Valentine's Day
Black History Month
Groundhog Day
Current Events

This player has played in more Super Bowls than any other NFL player in history

Who is Tom Brady (9 appearances)


Valentine's Day is the second most popular day of the year for sending cards. This holiday is the most popular

What is Christmas


This black woman escaped slavery and freed over 70 enslaved people using the network known as the Underground Railroad

Who is Harriet Tubman


This popular comedic actor played the leading role in the film "Groundhog Day" released in 1993

Who is Bill Murray


This video game retail company experienced a "short squeeze" after 140% of it's issued stock was sold

What is GameStop


This player has the most receiving touchdowns in Super Bowl history

Who is Jerry Rice (8 touchdowns)


Alexander Graham Bell applied for the patent for this invention on Valentine's Day, 1876

What is the telephone


This president signed the Emancipation Proclamation in 1862

Who is Abraham Lincoln


This US State held the first Groundhog Day in the 1800s

What is Pennsylvania


This country in South East Asia recently experienced a military coup in a response to a general election

What is Myanmar(or Burma)


This musical artist will be performing at the Super Bowl 2021 halftime show

The Weeknd

This is the name of the greek god associated with Valentine's Day
What is Eros

This was the original name of the famous human rights activist Malcolm X

What is Malcolm Little 

(Later in life he chose to use the Muslim name "el-Hajj Malik el-Shabazz")


This it the name of the groundhog who has been predicting whether spring is near, since February 2, 1887

What is Punxsutawney Phil

This is the name of the next upcoming Federal Holiday to occur in 2021

What is Lincoln's Birthday


This is the name of the Tampa Bay arena where the 2021 Super Bowl will be played

Raymond James Stadium


This state produces the majority of America's roses, the most popular Valentine's Day flower

What is California


This man filed a patent for peanut butter in 1895

Who is John Harvey Kellogg 

(Commonly mistaken as being invented by George Washington Carver)

This is what supposedly occurs when the groundhog prognosticator emerges from his hole and sees his shadow on Groundhog Day

What is six more weeks of winter


This Republican House representative has recently been removed from all house committees due to her recent social media activity

Who is Marjorie Taylor Greene


This is the name of the Buccaneers' mascot

What is Captain Fear

This is the name of the Roman festival that many believe to have been the origin of what we now know as Valentine's Day

What is Lupercalia


This historian created started the precursor for Black History Month in 1926 when he announced the second week of February to be "Negro History Week"

Who is Carter G. Woodson


These animals were the prognosticators of spring in German traditions before groundhogs

What are hedgehogs


This man, who is currently the CEO of AWS, will replace Jeff Bezos as Amazon CEO

Who is Andy Jassy